Just got back from Urban Air! Here’s my experience:(btw this is like my 7th time going in general)It was really fun getting to jump around a play video games! I did a few backflips, failed sometoo. Me and my sister did that thing where one person launches the other and I kinda… went
flying. After all of the bouncing and games we did, drumroll please, TRAMPOLINE DODGEBALL!Since I have a cast on it was kinda hard throwing the balls (sus) but I hit some people though.There was this one white kid that was being racist to all of the black kids playing which wasannoying. He called a chubby kid fat like bro body shaming ain’t cool. I told him to lay offeveryone or I’ll beat him up and, like a spoiled white brat would say, he didn’t give a sh**. I didn’tbeat him up because he was like 10 years old. I’m almost 14, that wouldn’t be cool. But MAN a Iwanted to TEAR HIM TO SHREDS. He left after an hour. I was playing some more, ate somechicken and pizza, and went back only to team out with the kids that were bullied. A group ofAfrican Americans, 5 kids ages 8-13 and 2 teens. They were cursing and all of that but I didn’tcare at first. Then, one round I got hit with a ball and got out. I stood outside the ring and thekids and tey6hgb nens also got out. Then they came up to me and accused me of cutting in line.My friend got hit and came to the line also. I was telling the kids that I didn’t cut and knowingthat they just wanted to start drama. So the staff member watching all of us comes in and tellsme to go to the back of the line EVEN THOUGH I DIDN’T CUT! I said to her that I didn’t but shewas like 17 and that was her day job or something. So she threatens to call her manager so Ijust went to the back of the line. Like bruh. And after that, the kids bullied me and then theteenagers said something about my appearance and the staff lady laughed. BRO WHY ARE YOULAUGHING WITH BULLIES!? YOUR JOB IS TO HELP THE PEOPLE GETTING BULLIED!!! Then one ofthe kids turns around and bullied my friend about how fat he is and he looks like “embobbie” (idkhow to spell it) and calling him a pig. I asked them to stop and they told me to “shut the f*** uppeanut head lookin ahh skibidi toilet and Ohio” and some other mean stuff. Then they threatenedto beat me up so I went to tell my mom. My mom said not to worry about them because if theytouch me, she was going to press charges. So I went back and ignored them until we wereleaving. When we were getting our shoes on, the family of the 5 kids and 2 teens were in thesame space as us packing theyre things also. So I whisper to my mom and say “that’s the peoplewho threaten to beat me up.” So my mom says “don’t worry they won’t do anything. And if they do,someone is going to jail today.” So we’re walking out the doors at the same time that family was.And my mom tells me something but I didn’t hear it. So I ask her to repeat herself and she said“they’re just selfish pricks. No need to worry about them. Just keep your chin up.” And one of theteenagers said “who’s a prick!?” And my mom said “you are for picking on a little kid. How weakare you to pick on someone that’s 13? Your like 18!” And the teenagers and the kids startedarguing to my mom at the same time and my mom kept saying “GO HOME! GO HOME!” So theygot in they’re car and while they were driving away, they rolled down they’re cars’ window andyelled and put the middle finger up at us while my mom was strapping my baby sister into hercar seat. All I wanted was to play at Urban Air.Things like this make me lose hope in humanity.