ok i didnt explain it good enough (READ THE DESC B4 READING PLS)
TWS like some gross stu and also re and descriptions of murder and oh car crash oh no oh no
you are playing as auggie
alright so this family moves in next to auggies family and the kid is really really shy and lonely so
auggie goes to see what he’s like and stu and then they become best friends (their in elementary
school) and then like a bunch of years go by and in senior or junior year (idk which one it’s
confusing) winnie fell and broke his leg (IMPORTANT ILL GET BACK TO THAT) and then auggie and
winnie just stop talking to each other and then they graduate high school and winnie is gonna move
away to a place that’s closer to the university he got in to and the parents don’t know they aren’t
friends anymore so they tell them to take one last drive together and in the car auggie asks winnie
why they stopped talking and he imagines winnie saying that he’s a piece of trash and he didn’t ever
wanna be friends with auggie but he didn’t actually say any of that but then they stop suddenly
because they realize they’re in a blizzard which doesn’t make sense because it’s the middle of july
and stu so auggie kicks down the car door to get out and they realize that their back in the same
clothes they wore last year when winnie broke his leg. they kind of just stand there for a moment
and then they realize that they have to walk to get out of the storm because the car broke down so
they start walking and they stop when they see versions of their younger selves dead and holding
hands. they were terried but they were confused what could have killed it when a huge monster
that was an elk mixed with a bear (representing auggies old stued bear toy and winnie’s stued elk
toy) and it chased them and then they decide to stomp on the ice theyre standing on to let the
monster fall in (and it does) but auggie slips over the side and winnie barely catches him but he says
his hands are so numb he cant get any strength to pull him up and he lets go letting auggie slip
down the ice cli. when auggie wakes up hes in winnie’s house, but its full of boxes like they just
moved in (like at the begining of the game.) he remembers winnie saying he had a lighter in his room
but the door is locked so he goes around the house looking for the key. he nds it and grabs the
lighter, but when he lights it he sees like statues of him all in winnie’s room. Then winnie apeears and
says that he jumped down the cli after him. He then explains that he thinks this is all a ashback
their getting because their about to die in real life. and they need to defeat the best to go home.
They go and stand beside the stairs. auggie (player) is given two options. push winnie down the
stairs or dont. if you dont, auggie and winnie have a talk about how when winnie broke his leg,
auggie didnt help him because he was jealous of winnie. they then become actual best friends and
defeat the beast by lighting it on re. then they wake up in the real world. in reality, they got in a
severe car crash. winnie only had a few scratched and bruises, but auggie broke his left leg. if you
decide to push winnie, you wake up in the car crash and winnie dies instantly. oh no oh no you
murdered my baby :((