AI11nkhhtn.dkITheHEFerretMask,‘erie? are we missinganything any herbs? ill,notify the deputy tosend out an herbpatrol!’a simple sweet she witha knack of helpingwhen not neededvery protective andloyal to her clan anddespises loners/roguesalso very easy to getangry or irritated “I don’t know, ferretmask. I believe we need morerosemary, but I’m not sure.”-Erie“I’ll go fetch some then, no need for a whole herb patrol!” she mewed whiletrotting out the den“Danke!” Erie yells after her, while taking inventory.she walks out the camp smelling a rosemary bush near; she follows thescent grabbing about 3 heads or rosemary and retreating to camp“ hey i’m back! i got about three, “ ferretmask drops the herbs into the pile