Oc chat:Glitch: hello anyone here?Bonney: Hi!Ghost: helloAbyss: what’s poppinBonney: just chewing on water, hru guysGhost: I’m doing goodAbyss: how the hell you chewing waterGhost: it’s a thing Abyss, don’t question itAbyss: back in my time water was veryessential because the amount of b@lbs it tookto drink was the most terrifying thing aboutit…….. but anyways what is water🫠🙃Ghost: it’s a thing almost all people drink,you should know what it is Abyss, I didn’tsign you up for Jackson’s classes for nothingBonney: hold on, I’m trying to get my cat tostop barking.Bae: Aren’t you the cat Bonney?Bonney: ruff ruffAva: anyway imma fold my dishes now 🤌 Abyss: I put my dishes in the dryeryesterday day then I had walk myfish and got in trouble because I let my3 month old brother flyBae: WTH…. What’s your guy’s favorite colorof the alphabet.Zen: This conversation scares me…Jam: same here what was the point of thisconversation it funny but it scares me to lolElvin: am I lateAbyss: leaveElvin: whyAbyss: why notElvin: did you know nobody loves youAbyss: did you know that lonxly disownedyouŁøgån: I have awaken from mydeath….. Elvin: your their most remadeAbyss: your the most forgottenBae: ladies, ladies your both pretty. Now stop.Dani: SHUT YO ASS UP, WHATS UPYALL ITS YA BOI DAN-Abyss: who the hell brought a chaperone to thechatBae: Chaperone? Bro’ll let us do whatever…Erie(holding cup of apple juice): I came at thewrong moment, bye *slowly backs up*Zen- can I join?