Bible Study of the DayMarch, 2, 2024Job 23:10-11“But he knows the way that I take; when he hastested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet haveclosely followed his steps; I have kept to his waywithout turning aside.”What does it mean?This verse is saying that “I” (which is most likelyJob) has been living a christly life and has beendoing what the Lord our God wants him to do.BR How does it apply to my life?It applies to your life if you are a Christian andyou are doing christly actions, then you will“come forth as gold” or be very good when Godjudges you at the end of your life.Prayer: Lord Jesus, please help me to follow inyour footsteps and push away all thetemptations in the world to live my life in a Christ- like way. Amen.Pof