Now that I know the reason why I can become stronger, take me with you強くなれる理由を知った 僕を連れて進めMy stiff heart gets drunk on the muddy running lanterns泥だらけの⾛⾺灯に酔う こわばる⼼My trembling hands have something I want to grab, that's all.震える⼿は掴みたいものがある それだけさTo the smell of the night (I'll spend all thirty nights)夜の匂いに (I'll spend all thirty nights)Staring into the sky空睨んでも (Staring into the sky)The only thing you can change is yourself変わっていけるのは⾃分⾃身だけ それだけさNow that I know the reason why I can become stronger, take me with you強くなれる理由を知った 僕を連れて進めNo matter what!どうしたって!Dreams that can't be erased, even now that can't be stopped消せない夢も ⽌まれない今もIf I can be strong for someone誰かのために強くなれるならThank you, I'm sadありがとう 悲しみよI learned the meaning of being defeated by the world and losing.世界に打ちのめされて 負ける意味を知ったCrimson flower, bloom in all its glory!紅蓮の華よ咲き誇れ!Illuminate your destiny運命を照らしてThe noise of inabikari stings my ears, my confused heartイナビカリの雑⾳が⽿を刺す 戸惑う⼼Is there something you can't protect just by being kind?優しいだけじゃ守れないものがある?I know, butわかってるけどGood and evil intertwine beneath the surface; divine punishment is revealed through hypocrisy⽔⾯下で絡まる善悪 透けて⾒える偽善に天罰Tell me why, Tell me why, Tell me why, Tell me...Tell me why, Tell me why, Tell me why, Tell me...I don't need you!I don't need you!More beautiful than a flower of talent is a flower that continues to bloom despite challenges.beingreadyforbatterbereadyetofightinthenightSomeonelookinginthe SkyknowingknowonecanchangeYouF thepersonhasconfidenceThatyourdreamscanandwillbecrushedSomeonewantstobeStongfor t certentPersonYouwilleitherwinorlooseIt's abeautifulsignityoucan'talwaysbekindtoportectPeopleflowersalsohovechallengesto 逸材の花より 挑み続け咲いた⼀輪が美しいEven the roughly paved road full of thorns乱暴に敷き詰められた トゲだらけの道もI'll show up only to the serious me, so I'll get through it.本気の僕だけに現れるから 乗り越えてみせるよEven the dreams I couldn't protect that were easily put away簡単に⽚付けられた 守れなかった夢もGrow roots in the crimson heart and reside in this blood紅蓮の⼼臓に根を⽣やし この⾎に宿ってAn unknown and ephemeral ending that dissipates⼈知れず儚い 散りゆく結末The wind of screams is ruthlessly torn無情に破れた 悲鳴の⾵吹くSomeone's laughing shadow, someone's crying voice誰かの笑う影 誰かの泣き声everyone wishes happiness誰もが幸せを願ってるNo matter what!どうしたって!Dreams that can't be erased, even now that can't be stopped消せない夢も ⽌まれない今もIf I can be strong for someone誰かのために強くなれるならThank you, I'm sadありがとう 悲しみよI learned the meaning of being defeated by the world and losing.世界に打ちのめされて 負ける意味を知ったCrimson flower, bloom in all its glory!紅蓮の華よ咲き誇れ!Illuminate your destiny運命を照らしてIlluminate your destiny運命を照らしてThepersoncandowhattheyputtheremindstoDreamscan becrushedbeingstrongforsomeoneyoucan'talwayswinitissometimesgoodtoloos