Sonya and the girl continue chatting for hours until it starts gettingso dark they can barely see “how are you going to get home? youcan’t see with how dark it is.” Delilah askes “I have a flashlight.”Sonya grabs the flashlight from under the blanket and flipped up theon switch it turned on then quickly fades back out, she hits the
flashlight onto the palm of her hand until it flickers back on. Itilluminates the dark forest with its yellow haze “oh okay, good.Wouldn’t want you to get lost in the forest, would we?” Delilah saysin a monotone voice “that would be unfortunate.” Y-yeah wouldn’twant that to happen!” Sonya laughs “anyway bye! Wanna meet heretomorrow at the same time?” Sonya says as she continues down thetree trunk “ “yeah, I will be here.” Delilah responds, she sites there inthe tree watching as Sonya leaves not moving from her spot once.Sonya walked home, the cheap flashlight bearly illuminating thepath. Her headphones died so the only thing she can hear is thewind blowing and the crunching of the dead leaves under herconverse. She reached her house and quietly opened the back door,the load squeak echoing through the large house as she wanderedup the old stairs into her bedroom. As she fell asleep she thoughtabout the mysterious girl, even though she did not really know whoDelilah was, she wanted the company,