capitalism first started in padua in Italy 1304
it's a story of jesus the moneylenders
cheeked Geneva 1555
the Dutch are the main
source where it had
besetstgainhein actual
first stock exchange
However capitalism is a
old philosophy But as world
has changed so does capita
lisa from time to time
takeitanswer as
wehave seen in raydaito's
theory howeconomicmachineProcapitalist
whencapitalismgot intriduced it's
used to be mareentile apitalisnm.e
it's a global phenomenon from
the chinese to the indian trade
to Muslimmerchants
but by the 17th centurymarchents
in DutchCnatherlands British had
started joint venture stock exchanges to mitigate their loss but
it didn't actually created cultural changes to capitatibumm
Postcoital Industrial revelation has started in 19 century in
Britain had a bunch of advantages due to their dominant power
atrocities like civil war starvation labour
ayn this time British F
guys empire
Savery etc
first the dutch discovers that applying
planting different cops increase maintain
fertility of the soil hence it increases productivity