The Dugout: Chapter 18 (Griffon)
I sat in math Wednesday morn’n, and butteries started ll’n my stomach. For chapel, dad was our
guest preacher, and the guy wanted me to do someth’n I hadn’t done in a good two years. Any
moment the oce would call… any moment now.
“Hey mate, what wrong?” Austin asked behind me.
“Noth’n.” I said nervously, twirl’n my pencil.
“You seem scared mate.”
“I ain’t scared.” I snapped.
Shoot… I was scared, and I knew Austin knew in that big ‘ole head of his. The oce called my
name to go to the Chapel build’n, and my stomach gave a lurch. Heck… I ain’t ready! What was dad
I packed my stu, and asked Austin to put it in my locker (he knows my code, and I know his). I
went out of math, and I couldn’t stop imagin’n endless possibilities. I mean… who wouldn’t?!
I got to the chapel build’n, and got myself inside. It’s hard to open the door for yourself on a
wheelchair. I went into the auditorium, and saw dad talking to a few people. He looked over at me
and smiled. He excused himself and pushed his gray’n curly hair up.
“Hey בֵּן.” He said patt’n my back.
“Hi.” I said softly.
Dad looked at me, and rued my hair.
I nodded as my eyes widened more. “Dad, I haven’t done this since I was in gosh dang ninth
grade!” I complained.
“If I remember correctly I gave you the choice. You chose this.” He said rmly. Heck… he was right.
“Look, Grion, think about it. Your praising God in his house.”
“In front of rude steers.” I said bitterly.
Dad shrugged. “So? You don’t think I’m nervous when I preach? You don’t think I have doubt?
Doubt and Fear are lies from satin. There is reasons for why he does this stu, and it’s—”
“To stop us from doing what God wants.” I said softly.
Dad nodded proudly, and set his Bible down on a near by Chair. He squatted down and liked me in
the eyes.
“Don’t let satin take control of you. It’s deadly, even if it seems harmless. We are his puppet and he
will pull our strings. He is the master of puppets.”
I nodded, and scratched the back of my neck.
“It is up to you, so, what’s your choice בֵּן?” He asked giving me a smile.
I took a deep breath and nodded.
“I’ll do it.”