SoE3: Chapter 14 part 2
My eyes widened as the god of the Sea stood. He looked like Percy, and they both had the same
“You ready kid?”
I nodded, and held up my sword.
The second giant gave us trouble. Me and Poseidon started to ght, but the giant fought back with
grief for his brother. He found Evelyn and Knole, and ung them o the theater. Poseidon held his
hands out as a wave of water caught them. Evelyn picked up her bow, and shot towards the
monster. I jumped up, and threw it at the creature giving it more speed. Ephialtes caught it, and
threw it back faster and harder at me.
Evelyn ran and jumped it front of me, and hit the ground with an arrow through her stomach.
Posieden used the water and pushed her body out of the way, and I started to run to her,
“Boy, we need to focus.”
I ran to Evelyn, and she just sat there. Her eyes were wide, but she was breathing. I picked her head
up, and started pulling out nectar and what ever I could nd.
“Hey hey hey… your okay!” I said… mostly to myself.
“Okay.” Evelyn said softly.
I put the arrow in my hands, and looked at her. “I’m going to pull it out… okay?”
“Yup… just count o!”
“Okay okay.” I pulled it out, and Evelyn yelled in pain.
“I DON’T KNOW I’M SCARED!” I leaded.
Evelyn rolled her eyes, and blood started to come out. I held up the nectar, and Evelyn looked at
me carefully. I read her thoughts. No.
“Evelyn… please.”
She was silent, and her eyes started to loose focus.
I pushed Evelyn out of my mind, and got whacked through trees. I stood up, and held my sword up.
I started to loose sight, and my eye would close. Stay open! I instructed. Poseidon threw his trident
and it went through the giant, and it turned to golden dust… not for long though.
I fell to my knees, and I couldn’t get up. The Sea god ran to me, and helped me up.
“Come on boy, stay up.”
I nodded, and he handed me some nectar. I felt my head, and realized it was gushing out blood. I
drank the nectar, and I felt my head start to heal.
Another arrow shot through the air, and I looked back. Devin lowered his bow and reloaded the
arrow, and Lura held a sword, and it turned into a spear.
“You mortals really are a team.” Poseidon said with a smile. I pulled enough energy and jumped up
with my sword. I felt the water guide me, and Ephialtes ducked down. Lura threw her spear, and ran
to help ght.
“Evelyn, you have too! Please!” I pleaded with her. She shook her head, as her eyes went shallow.
Devin ran over, and went to work on her. He ignored her, hen she said she didn’t want the nectar,
but he practically shoved it down her throat.
Evelyn looked really pale, and Devin continued. I sat there and helped when I could.
I looked up, as the giant tossed up a bomb that sent Lura and Cypher back. They jumped up right
away, and the green mist started to surround him, like it did in St. Augustine. He. Knew Ephialtes’s
next move.
I looked back at Evelyn, and gave a bleat under my breath. Her eyes narrowed on me, and she
grabbed my hand.
Please don’t, I begged to her emotions.
Evelyn’s eyes widened, and she looked surprised. “I… I see mom.”
I shook my head. “No you don’t! Your right here with me okay?!”
Devin nodded in agreement. “Your not going anywhere which me right here. Okay? YOUR NOT
“No idiots! I see mom.”
We all looked up, as an arrow glowing like the sun ew through the air.
“YOUR LEFT!” I called to Laura. She dodged to her right, and stood up next to me.
“How are you ding this?!”
I shrugged, and Poseidon made a large pool. He lifted o the ground, and a blue and sea green aura
surrounded him. He spoke in some sort of unknown language. A rumble came from the pool, as
Poseidon held up his trident.
“Lura… run.”
We took o, as the creature of myth came out from the pool. A giant sea serpent, dragon, or other
sea monster, whatever you want to call it came out. Leviathan.
The giant got distracted by it, and I I jumped up to give the nal blow, but something ew by. An
arrow, glowing like the sun gave the nal blow. I turned and saw her, glowing like the sun.
She lowered her golden bow, and the golden sun light she emitted dimmed. She wore boots, and
her ripped jeans that she died in. The white annel shirt was missing a sleeve, and she wore broken
Greek armor. Her hair was in a braid, and her sky blue were hard to read. Her right side of her face
had small black cracks. She escaped Tartarus, and hadn’t even nished reforming, judging by the
thin small cracks on her face. Her eyes met mine, and she put her bow down, and it turned into a
necklace. Mom smiled, and I froze.