So yesterday I left school early cause I wasn’t feeling well, I didn’t think anything was gonna happenand wasn’t expecting what I heard when I got back today, so on the way inside I was having anormal conversation with my friend and then she says “oh yeah and” lets call my bf “T” she said“Oh yeah and T got a girls phone number yesterday after you left” and that took me by surprise so Iplanned to confront him… he wasn’t here today so I planned to confront him tomorrow about it,during math once again normal conversation with my friend and her bf then she looks at me and say“ During stem T was talking about how glad he was that you were gone because he didn’t want tohere another peep out of you.” My bf’s best friend looked at her with a weird face and so did Ibecause we all knew I was definitely the most quite Girl in the whole school so planned to confronthim about that too, During this class, civics, I decided to confront him by email, and Emailed himand im goin to copy and paste what i said I will edit out anybody’s name for personal privacyreasons that I take seriously. “Idk what you were thinking at that time but it’s definitely not normal….I hope.. my question is why am I being told you got a girls phone number, and you were talkingabout how glad you were that i was gone, If im that annoying tell me to shut up once in a while itsdisappointing to think that I trusted you with my feelings and you just tore it like a peice of paperthinking I wouldn’t find out I love you and I always will but why did you do this are you okay?”Comment what you think i should do now?IM NOT BREAKING UP WITH HIM!