Boy next door. Chapter: Apollo. Part 23
I look at my left hand and smile, to be honest this is the rst time Vera has
ever cared about my injuries, I mean she cares about me but not about my
injuries since I always tend to treat them myself. I open my bedroom door
and walk down stairs, I trip again due to my right foot stepping on
something sharp I lift up my foot and see a broken piece of glass. I sit on
the end of the stairs and grab my right foot with and slowly pull the broken
glass out, my foot quickly starts to bleed. I quickly take of my shirt and hold
my wound, I call Vera down stairs and she quickly runs down. “I need help
again” I managed to say without sounding sarcastic. She runs up and comes
back down again with the rst aid kit, “what happened to your foot” She
asked me taking my shirt o my foot. “I don’t know, I was walking down
and all of a sudden I felt extreme pain on my right foot” I answered her
back with a worried look. “Your wound isn’t to deep but it sure does need to
be disinfected and it need at least 2 layers of roller tape” she said, as she
takes out the disinfectant spray and roller bandage, she sprays my foot, I
hiss “I know it hurts, but it’s for the best” she said, gently starts to cover my
foot with the roller bandages. She then stands up and walks away with the
rst aid kit. I then stood up and limped to the kitchen and grabbed a cup
and lled it up with water. Two hours later I hear the door knock, I limp to
the front door and open it, I see the pizza guy and take the pizzas I then pay
him with the money Vera left on the counter. “You look familiar” the pizza
guy said, with happiness in his voice. I look closely and close the door, I
don’t feel like talking to anyone I look familiar too. I take the pizza to the
table and grabbed a slice, I walk to the living room and sit on the couch I
turn on the tele and see my face on the news, I quickly turn o the tele.
And walk up stairs and walk to my room, I open the door and walk inside I
quickly close the door behind me and look out the window. Vera walks in
“You’re famous Apollo!” She said enthusiastically. I slowly nodded my head,
“are you not happy you were able to play a major role in a major movie?”
She asked, I slowly nodded again. I hate my life. as you are able to read
right now, I got to play in a major role, which got my face in many news
articles and magazines. I can’t really see why it’s a good thing but hopefully
people will get over the fact they will see a new actress everywhere, and I
hope sinny won’t be disappointed that I didn’t tell I him. “Vera look, you
know I never wanted to become an actress” I tell her with a disappointed
look on my face, “I know but you know how mum negotiates with people
and famous producers” she said, with a slight disappointed smile. She walks
out and closes the door behind her.