Hello Class! welcometoday and today wewill talk about thisquirk: The “Example-Quirk” It’s very helpfulsometimes! Make sureto listen and notplaying games!ELA FIRST GRADE(FIRST DAY) ANIMERP!!LACY! Get off yourLaptop! We’re notusing it until thequiz!!In this part,we will have aconversation, it will havea section of this quiz.Everyday we will usethis quirk, “Example-Quirk” Here is what itlooks like:Every second, we willtake notes. If you hearsomething importantyou will have to write itdown. TAKE QUIZ:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1xJ8scUKxxAAIXVT6-8TedjuywH93sSAT2EE7ZZph8Lw/edit