Emoji Challenge
Your 8th emoji will tell you what your friends
think of you πŸ˜ƒ Yasssssss
Your 14th emoji will tell you your future job 🎸
yesss i want to be a singer!!!!
Your 3rd emoji will tell you how you will die πŸ’”
heart attack or heart break?!?!
Your 19th emoji will tell you what your parents
think of you 🧢 im sorry but what??
Your 22nd emoji will tell you what your siblings
think of you πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ yes they think im boss
Your 13th emoji will tell you how you will live in
the 2045 β˜€ happy i guess?
Your 2nd emoji will tell you your talent 🩸 thats
Your 17th emoji will tell you what you will be bad
at πŸ«₯ idk what that means. Maybe being quiet??