Add your phobias!
Kakorrhaphiophobia (fear of failure)1.
claustrophobia (fear of tight spaces)2.
Sociophobia (Fear of social interactions)3.
4. Emetophobia (Fear of vomiting)
Coulrophobia (clowns)
Sociophobia (Interaction socially)
phasmophobia (Supernatural or Spiritual n ghosts)
Mysophobia (Germs)
Glossophobia (public speaking)
Megaophobia (large creatures)
Claustrophobia (confined spaces)
Microphobia (small things)
Glossophobia (public speaking)
Thalassophobia (the ocean and deep bodies of water)
Arachnophobia (spiders)
Cleithrophobia (fear of being trapped)
lily like_purplez
Kakorrhaphiophobia ( fear of failure)
Ophidiophobia (snakes)
thanatophobia (death)
coasterphobia (roller coasters) lol
There are prob more but yea