Thought experiment
what is philosophy agents knowledge
combining of a component ie logic epistemology
philosophy is an academic.ithiie
morality meta physicswe examine our confusion Cabout topics bike science historylitateture etc
epistemology study of knowlage it comes formthe'iÉd
your belief belief v5 know bye
Thought experiment
i s
thoughtexperiment shouldbe coherent
but don't need to be particularly realstic
Schrodinger at g t States a cat can be
dead g alive at the
same time in a box with
Poison 501 chance of killing hero
the answer after
opening that box
this is really important cause without it the
computer we use coudn't exist
the quantum phenomenon of superposition is a consequence of the
dual particle a wave nature of everything In order for an object
to have a wavelength It must extend over some reigon of
space which means it occupies many position at the same
time The wavelength of an object limited to a small region
of space can't be perfectly define through So it exist
many different wavelengths at the same time we don't see in
everyday objects because the wavelength decreases as the
momentum increases of a cat is relatively big hav y g pif we take a single atom blew it up to the size
the solar system a wave of a cat running from a physicistwouldbe as small as an atom within that fall solar system it's far
toooo small to detect so we will never see wave behaviour from
a cat but an electron can show it very well that it has
dual nature An electron near nuclear of an atom
exists in a spread out wave like orbit
bring them together they are combined
shares all atoms altogether expanding on
a large amount on space this helps us
define how electrons move through material
likes conductor or semi conductor we use
in computer phone ti
Itaneously know the exact
position the exact of an
object shows up as a meta
phone for everything from
literary criticism to sports