“Wsg Ashe?”I am in greate pain. I drank too much monster to fast.“Ashe did you get the new flavour of monster?”Yes“Ashe why are you so weird?”I have a god complex and don’t care what people think. Aslo, what is the point of living if I am notwho I am, if I spend my life trying to be normal then I am not living, I want people to think of me andbe like “what the fuck is wrong with them, you know what? I don’t even want to know.”“Ashe will you wear the maid dress a third time to prom?”Maybe, but I lost it.. and my ex friend stole a bunch of important parts of it and I’m too lazy to buyanother so most likely not.“Ashe do you believe in god?”No, but if god is real I believe god would be a true circle. God is described as something beyondhuman comprehension, and there is no such thing as a perfect circle. If god is truly real, Devine, andbeyond human comprehension it would be a circle. I am sure of it.“Ashe, how is the naked old corner man doing?”I don’t know, I haven’t seen him in almost 2 years.“Ashe why is Trump Stil alive?”Becuase I don’t believe in killing or torturing people anymore“Ashe what will you do when you become president?”I will establish equal rights for all religions, races, gender everyone, then I will get rid of all laws, alltaxes, and all signs which tell you what to do and makes you not want to do the right thing. Then, Iwill rule all the America’s and make it truely free. Everyone will get free monster and red bull will bebanned.“Ashe who are you talking to?” Toby“Ashe it isn’t safe to stick your head out the window and scream at your friends”Just wait until I get my motorcycle and am no longer afraid of going on the sidewalks with amotorised vehicle.“Ashe how is it legal for you to have a pilots license?”I simply am above the law.“Ashe are you evil?”Neither ^^“What’s wrong with you?”Nothing. I am legally normal.“Ashe how do you feel about the new monster flavour?”I kissed God on the lips“Ashe can you stop talking to imaginary friends?”No.“Ashe, I think you managed to make many people mad about your ideals just from the last fewpages”Idgaf. I’m alpha sigma and if they can’t see that they are missing out. Not my problem:3“Has anyone matched your freak?”Only one person“Ashe where are your parents all the time? Why are you always buying your own groceries andclothes?”Idk. I probably lost them somewhere. I haven’t seen them in like 3 months but it’s not my problem “Ashe why did your little brother cut you?”Because it was his birthday 😸 🎉“Ashe why are you not in a mental hospital?”They tried, but I’m just to awesome to be locked away.“Ashe, is it ash, Ashe, or Asher?”Call me as you please, I have no true name“Asher, how are you still alive?”I’m above death.“Ashe has King Charles forgave you yet for killing his mom?”Yeah, but he knows his time is near.“Ashe are you even real?”Probably not, I think I’m just a bunch of mentally ill people’s imaginary friend who rules the shadowgovernment.“Ashe I’m scared someone can read my mind, what if the CIA put a chip in my brain and they knowall my thoughts?”Just think of hardcore sex, then they will take it out. Same if someone is a mind reader“Ashe how much do you love monster?”I defied the laws of physics and flattened a sphere for a free monster“Ashe how do you know you would be an awesome stripper?”Have you seen me climb the walls? Not many have that ability“Do you have ADHD?”No, I am normal. I know for a fact I don’t too becuase I am not diagnosed and caffeine affects menormally, however, my friend with ADHD gave me one of her meth meds for it once and I inventedMansikka.