Erebus 2
Erebus: Life or Death
Chapter 1
I clenched my sts and glared hard at him. The earth cracked from under my feet, and I
didn’t care. Greyson pulled out his bow and arrow, and glared back at me.
“I told you I didn’t take it!” He snapped.
Skeletons started to pop up as Greyson shot them down.
“Fine I took it!” Audrey said butting in. We looked at her and shook our heads. We knew
she didn’t.
“We know you didn’t. Your too innocent.” Greyson said.
I nodded in agreement. We then turned back to each other and started ghting again. I
pulled out my sword, and Greyson loaded another arrow.
“I’m literally going to kill you!”
I scoffed. “You?! KILL ME?!” I burst out laughing, and Greyson took a step back.
We both lunged at each other—
I had Greyson in a headlock, and he was about to yank my hair off. We looked up and
Greyson let go of my hair, and I let go of his neck. We looked up at his mom, who was glaring at
us. Man her eyes were swords.
“What are you two doing?!” She yelped.
“Um… friendly competition.” Greyson said with a fake smile.
I gave one too, and Lura rolled her eyes. She stared at me. “What did I ask you NOT to
do?!” She asked bitterly.
I never talked to Lura and Devin, but this— I was so terried I had to talk. “Raise the
I looked around at the skeletons that I rose in their backyard. “Raise the dead.” I said softly.
Lura nodded, and I felt the adrenaline I had from ghting leave.
My powered drained me, and I fell to my knees. Greyson looked at me, then argued with
his mom about something… I wasn’t listening. I held my hands up, and lowered them as the
skeletons went back underground. That was also draining. I laid down on the grass, and just
stayed there. Greyson stopped arguing with Lura and looked at me.
“You good man?”
I nodded. “Just… gonna….” I couldn’t even nish my sentence and I just laid there.
“Come on Emo.” Greyson helped pick me up.
My legs gave out, and I hit the ground again. Lura walked over and helped me up. I got
inside, and into the room me and Greyson shared. I had bottom bunk, and it had little black
curtains so I can chill in the dark. I sat on my bed, and my eyes started to give out. I laid down
and closed the little curtain thing. Man the darkness helped. I laid down for a while as I started to
feel re energized.
I don’t know how long I was in bed, but I started to hear talking. I got up drowsily, and
rubbed my head. I looked at myself in the mirror.
My hair was longer and shaggier but I didn’t care. My skin was paler even though Devin
out me in the sun for a while. I just got paler instead of sunburnt and tan. My black eyes looked
the same, but more slanted now like my moms were. I nally grew a few inches, and was about
5’3 and a half— but for a fteen year old boy that was still short. I was a skinny honey kid even
though I was actually well fed. I had four pairs of clothes now because of Lura. No matter how
much I told her I didn’t need it, she still bought me clothes. She even bought me the similar stuff
I had. Greyson nally convinced me I was emo after a good six months of living with him and his
family. I don’t care to be honest. Lura was kind, and so was Devin. Devin liked to watch me and
Greyson ght and play around. He said it builds character, and as long as we don’t break each
other he doesn’t care.
I walked out of the room and out my hands in my hoodie pockets. I walked out and froze as
I saw a goat man in the house.
He looked up and gave me a smile.
“Son of Hades huh?”
A head poked around and I froze. My old Latin teacher from Chicago smiled at me. Her
maroon hair and brown eyes hadn’t changed. Her tan skin seemed to glow in the light, and she
“Hey Erebus.”
My eyes couldn’t have widened more, and I just looked at her. She wore a green shirt, and
black yoga pants. She had a small gut that wasn’t there before. Goat man kissed her cheek and
my eyes widened. My old Latin teacher was here, and I’m guessing— you know, because I’m not
stupid— that she was gonna have a baby.
I sat at the edge of the table and watched. Everyone was talking and eating, and enjoying
themselves. I was just shocked. The goat guy, named Knole, was kinda funny. He kept getting
nervous then okay, then the cycle started over again. He was okay I guess.
“Exactly! Cypher still says he can’t leave. CJ is getting impatient, and i thinks she’s heading
to Camp Half-Blood.” Mrs Over— I mean Evelyn said softly.
I looked at Greyson, and I think he just read my face.
“CJ is Cypher’s wife.” He said simply.
“The gods have gone quite again, and I don’t know what will happen.” Devin said softly.
Lura looked up at Evelyn. “Even Cole?”
Evelyn nodded. “My father has gone quiet too, but he did come to Cypher, Nerth, and I in
a dream, explaining that him, Ares, and Athena are working on something.”
“On what?” Devin asked.
Evelyn looked down. “He said he couldn’t say, but knowing my dad he sort of told us. He,
Athena, and Ares are technically war gods. Their working on a strategy and attack plan, but
Hera shut it down.”
I looked around and the goat man Knole scratched his head. “This whole prophecy thing is
suspicious in itself. It’s literally a mix of two other Great Prophecies. If Kronos does stir than—”
“Another war might start.” Lura nished.
All eyes fell on me, and I sunk in my seat. I didn’t want this, but apparently some ladies
named the faints did. I think they just like messing around with my life. Kinda like ‘Oh, what will
kill him?’ type of thing.
“Um… so any guesses? I think it’s a girl.” Devin said changing the subject.
Knole jumped up out of his seat and pointed at Evelyn. “I TOLD YOU!”
She shook her head and slumped down. “It’s not. I swear it’s a satyr.” She said shaking her
Knole folded his arms. “Or a mortal girl like you.” He insisted.
“I think it’s a girl.” Audrey put in.
“Boy.” Lura said.
“Girl.” Greyson said smirking.
Knole laughed and Evelyn rolled her eyes. “Its a satyr. I know it is. Have you felt this thing
kick? NO!” She said angrily, more towards Knole.
Knole shrugged, and hugged an angry Evelyn. “Let go of me.” She said.
There was something in her voice, and man I wanted to listen. Knole let go, then blinked
hard. “Stop charmspeaking me!” He said wrapping his arm back around her.
“It means she can control you with her words.” Lura explained.
My eyes widened as I remembered when she told kids in my class to be quiet, do their work,
or to listen. They always obeyed— including me.
I went to my room, and Greyson came with me. I think we were just bored, because we
started throwing dice at each other. We call it chicken. If you chicken out, you loose. Greyson was
a big guy. He was tall and sort of muscular, and with a bow and arrow in his hand he was easily
undefeated. I mean, I could defeated him, but I was going to let him have his moment. We ended
up both quitting, and sitting on our sections on the bunk bed.
“Ready for Camp?” He asked.
I nodded, and looked out the window and saw a full moon. I thought of Chiara who was
probably wearing her necklace, and feeling like road kill.
“Thinking about your girl?” He asked.
My face went red and I looked down. “She’s not my girl. How about Fiona?”
His face went red and I gave a smirk.
“Shut up man.” He said trying to kick me. I ducked do and grabbed his leg and yanked
him down. Greyson held his own.
I let go and ducked down as Greyson kicked the bed hard.
The door opened and Devin looked at us. He raised an eyebrow as silent tears streamed
down his face. “What happened?”
“Stupidity.” I said smiling.
Devin nodded and closed the door. Me and Greyson talked, before we got tired of talking.
He was kinda like a brother to me, which was neat. I looked up at Greyson who looked at me. I
knew that look. We got up and walked to the door and knelt down and listened to the
conversation the adults were having.
“So the gods are silent?” Devin asked.
“Even Cole? That’s says a lot in itself.” Lura said softly.
There was a silence. “It’s never good when the gods go quite.” Knole said. “I remember
when it happened when I lived at Camp Jupiter. It was when Gea was waking.”
Chapter 2
Me and Grayson took our afternoon walk the next day. It wasn’t ever bad, but it was when
Lura had enough of us playing around and trying to throttle each other.
I put my hands in my pockets, and we walked down the street in the neighborhood we were
in. New Rome was cool and all, but they aren’t ‘Greek Friendly’. Me and Greyson got expelled
because I was ‘to deathly’ and Greyson was ‘to much into ghts’.
Audrey was forced to come with us, to ‘Get out of the house more’ but we all knew she was
making sure was going to keep an eyes on us.
“Look at the cloud man.” Greyson said pointing up at the sky.
I looked up as a large grey cloud. I smiled. “I liked that cloud.”
Greyson laughed, and we kept walking.
“You really like dark stuff huh?” Audrey asked. I nodded, and kept walking as thunder
rumbled in the sky.
“We should probably head back.” Greyson said softly.
Me and Audrey agreed, and we turned around.
“Back to mother we go.” Greyson said happily, but also with sarcasm. Somehow he was
able to do that.
I looked up at the sky as water droplets fell, and I saw something. Large cloud horses stood,
ready to run.
“Um… what’s that?!”
Greyson and Audrey looked up, and their eyes widened.
“What are they doing in New Rome?!”
“So do we run or…” I started. Suddenly the Venti Horse things came down at us from the
freaking sky.
We turned and ran hard and fast. I pulled off my skull ring and pulled out my Stygian Iron
sword. I turned around, and stood with it held up as Greyson pulled out a bow and arrows from
nowhere. The rst evil sky horse came at me, and I swiped my sword like how Luke Jackson
taught me. I ducked down as it came at me again, and jammed my sword up, as the iron sucked
it’s power out, turning it to golden dust. Greyson shot his bow and arrow, and took the second
one out. More and more came, and I turned and ran.
I felt my body shake.
I wanted to be at Camp Half-Blood.
Greyson ran with Audrey in his arms, helping her run faster. He practically bulldozed me.
Camp Half-Blood.
In my instincts I grabbed Greyson and Audrey. I don’t know how this happened. I looked
down as my body turned to darkness or shadows, and I pulled Greyson and Audrey down
somewhere with me.
I was falling. I looked at Greyson and Audrey. She was closing her eyes and Greyson stared
at me.
“What’s happening? What is this?!”
His voice was echoing through the darkness, and I shrugged. I don’t know how but I was
falling still.
Suddenly we shot up, and we stood under the shadows of a tree.
I looked around, as tiredness lled me in an instant.
“Where are we?”
“Camp—” I couldn’t nish my thought, as I collapsed.
Chapter 3
I opened my eyes, and looked up. I pushed my hair out of my face to see where I was.
Camp. How on earth did this happen? How am I here?!
I looked around, and sat up from the hospital bed thing in the Big House. I looked around
as my body ached. Man this sucked. It felt like I used all my energy on something like my powers.
But literally all of my energy.
I rubbed my eyes, and put my hair back in its place— in my face— and kicked my legs over
the side of the bed. Gosh this sucked, but I wanted to get to my cabin.
I stood up, and found my balance for a second. I felt terrible. What was happening… what
did I do?
I looked at my feet, and saw my old brown shoes. They were to small, but I wasn’t going to
tell Laura that. She had done enough for me already.
I looked closely at myself and squinted to make sure I wasn’t imagining stuff. I looked at my
hands next. My body was practically radiating darkness… what?!
I walked out of the Big House and immediately Greyson ran over. He tried to hug me, but
it ducked down.
“Oh yeah… not a physical touch person.” He said.
I nodded, and looked around. “What happened?”
“You Shadow Traveled man!”
I raised an eyebrow. “I shadowed what?”
Greyson rolled his eyes and looked at me. “It’s a Underworld you can do. Shadow Travel.
It’s a form of transportation that allows creatures, or kids of the Underworld to travel to any
desired place on Earth— or in the Underworld, but it makes you really tired.” He explained.
I nodded. “Sure did… how long was I out?”
Greyson looked around and thought. “A day at most.”
Greyson shrugged again, and I started to feel lightheaded again.
“I… I need to sit down for a second.” I said sitting down.
“Look man, it’s cool. I gave mom an Iris Message to explain everything. She seemed
terried, and relived. New Rome caught the Venti… said they had no clue how they got in.”
Greyson said softly.
I nodded, and stood back up. I went to say something but changed my mind and went with,
“Did you guys get your camp stuff ?”
Greyson nodded. “Mortal mail is really fast. She sent your stuff too.”
Man his mom was nice. She was too nice for my taste— or maybe I’m not used to nice
“What’s with the darkness coming from you?”
“I… I don’t know.”
“Oh. Is it an emo thing? If so I totally understand that your emoness matters.”
I rolled my eyes and shook my head. We started walking to the main area of camp, and I
smiled. Camp was great— even if nobody really liked me.
I looked up as a bullet came at me. She tackled my the waist, and my face went red. Don’t
do it…. NO STOP! I wrapped an arm around her as I fell to the ground. Man I’m weak.
“Sorry about that.” Chiara said standing up.
I stood up and stared into her mech-match eyes. Man she was beautiful… or I’m just a
simp. Probably more of the second one.
“It’s… it’s ne.” I said softly.
I don’t know why, but I hugged her. My face went red as she hugged me back.
“How was school and staying with Greyson?”
I shrugged. “Okay. How was Camp?”
She shrugged. “Okay.”
I smiled, and looked down at my hand. We were holding hands from after hugging. We
pulled away in an instant and my face burned up,
I ran off as fast as I could run, and headed to my cabin. I ran in and shut the door as
darkness surrounded me. I caught my breath and sat down against the door.
Man I’m weak.
I put my head in my hands and sat there for a good minute or two. I nally looked Jo at the
clock tone the wall— that I put there— and groaned. It was time for dinner, and I wanted
breakfast. That’s what I get for being a Underworld kid.
I sat up and stretched some and stood up all the way. I headed out of the cabin and into the
dining place. I sat at my table as some satyrs brought food. Tomato soup and grilled cheese?!
I practically gobbled it down, and sat back. I got a few looks from Iris Cabin and Dionysus
Cabin but oh well.
I got up and headed outside and climbed up into a tree. I sat there for a good while before
someone came up.
“Hey man.”
Greyson came up and sat across from me. “So… what’s the deal?”
I raised an eyebrow. “What deal?”
“I thought you weren’t a contact person, but you hugged Chiara.” Greyson said with a
smirk. My face went red, and I looked down.
“Does she still make your brain release hormones that make you feel pleasure?” Greyson
I glared at him to hide my red face. “Yes, and? I don’t need your opinion. You don’t even
have a girlfriend!” I said folding my arms.
“Okay and?! I’m going to get Fiona.” He said smiling.
I nodded and looked at the stars. Still, Mom would have loved it here. Something made me
think of Camp Half-Blood. That’s why I Shadow Traveled here. There’s just something about
Camp Half-Blood, but I don’t know what it is yet.
Chapter 4
I opened my eyes, and sat up the next morning. I felt a lot better than I normally ever did—
which probably means something is going to happen. I grabbed my armor that Reta made for
me… before she betrayed the camp and practically killed me.
I decided to take a walk, and go down each of the cabins. I walked to the back to Cabin 21
and looked at it. It was brand new—or the newest. It was maroon marble, and had bronze on it
to outline everything. It was the only one that seemed casual, and homey. It would have been nice
to be a Son of Cole— I didn’t even know he was a Greek god but okay. I walked down the cabins
and looked at them all. They all had something special about them. I got down the line and froze
at Cabin Nine.
Reta’s old Cabin.
I stared for a good second. How and why would a genius builder betray the gods?
I stared at the Cabin for a good minute before deciding not to be a stalker. I walked down
to the sword arena, and saw someone sharpening their sword, Riptide. Luke Jackson looked up at
me, and his grey eyes seemed to smile on their own.
“Hey kid.”
I walked in the arena, and strapped my armor on tighter, and looked up at Luke. He
smiled, and cracked his neck.
“You wanna ght kid?”
I nodded and pulled off my ring as it turned into my sword. Luke stood up, cracked his
neck again, and held up Riptide.
We watched each other, and I jumped up and swung my sword. Luke turned around and
swiped Riptide at full force, and ung me back a little. I jumped back up, and ran at him. Luke’s
eyes widened but a smile curled on his face. We slammed our swords into each others and we
pushed against each other. Luke smiled as he started to push me back. My balance gave, but
something caught me and pushed me back up.
Luke jumped up and spun around as his sword hit me in the gut. If I wasn’t wearing the
armor I would have been cut in half. I ung back and hit a wall, and sat down. Luke laughed and
walked over to me. He extended a hand, and I took it as he pulled me up.
“Nice job kid. You lasted about two extra minutes than last time.”
I shrugged, and looked at my armor. It had a large dent it from his sword. “I would be
dead.” I said softly.
“Sorry about that… I got a little carried away. Is it broken?” Luke asked with an
embarrassed face.
“No, just dented.”
“Hey, if you tell Cabin Nine I broke it— or dented it—, they can x it.” He said softly.
“It’s ne… can we go again?”
He looked up and raised an eyebrow. “Huh?”
I held up my sword again and looked him dead in his grey eyes. “I want go again. Let me
ght you.” I said slowly.
A grin crossed Luke’s face, and he used his black hair over. He held up Riptide and smiled.
“Let’s see what you got kid.”
A few hours past, but it only felt like a few seconds. I turned around and saw Cypher the
Oracle. His green eye seemed to have an eerie glow, and his face was hard to read.
“Hey, Capture the Flag is starting up in a few minutes. Be ready by the dock.” He said
softly. He walked away and I looked at Luke.
“What’s wrong with him?”
Luke looked at me, and put Riptide’s cap back on it as the sword turned into a pen. “The
gods are silent. I heard him say something about wanting to talk with his dad, but now he can’t.”
Luke explained.
I nodded no looked back at Cypher. He was a big guy, but really nice when you talked to
“Come on kid, lets go play some Capture the Flag.” Luke said smiling.
I nodded and put my sword on my hand, making it a skull ring again. We walked down to
the dock where he whole camp was lined up. Chiron split the teams, and it was. Pretty much the
same, except we lost the Ares kids and go Nerth. Nerth walked over and stood next to me. The
kid was fourteen and was jacked. He wore a CampHalf-Blood tang top and ripped jeans. I mean
he was pretty muscular for a fourteen year old. He was about 6’5 and rumor had it he was 236
pounds of pure muscle.
“Hi.” He said nervously.
I nodded and looked at the other team.
“Some we didn’t get Nike cabin… they always win.” He complained.
I nodded again. I felt so punny standing next to him. I was fteen, 5’3 1/2 feet tall, and
weighed about 98 pounds.
“Yeah… it would be nice to win.” Greyson said walking over. “You heard about the gods
right?” He asked Nerth.
Nerth nodded sadly. “Yeah… mom is stuck in Olympus with dad. Hera said that she can’t
leave because ‘She would be sending messages’.” Nerth said folding his burly big arms.
“Your mom lives in Olympus?” I asked with wide eyes.
Nerth nodded. “Yeah, she married Cole— my dad— and is The Flame… like the eternal
ame. She’s immortal, but lives with me during the school year. She goes to Olympus to be with
dad when I’m at Camp. Right now Isa is stuck there too.” He said softly.
“Wait… who is Isa?” Greyson asked with wide eyes.
Nerth’s face went red, and he looked down. “I wasn’t supposed to say that.”
“Who is Isa?”
Nerth looked down and unfolded his muscular arms. “My baby sister. She’s eight months
old. Mom took her to see dad, but Isa was going to stay with my older sister Evelyn, but then
Olympus closed. Isa is supposed to be a secret,because Hera got mad and stuff. Man I hate
Hera.” He said miserably.
I raised an eyebrow. “Wait, so all you have no half siblings?”
Nerth shook his head. “My parents don’t like what the other gods do, even if my dad is a
god. I have to appreciate it, I really do. Even Hera of all gods says she loves it because its ‘A
faithful marriage’.” He explained.
The whistle sounded as Nerth pulled out a large crossbow. He sighed and looked at me.
“Please don’t tell anyone about Isa, and stuff.” He said softly.
“I won’t. I swear on the Styx.” I said softly.
Nerth smiled, and headed into the woods. I looked at Greyson who had his bow and arrow
“Red when you are.” I said smiling.
Greyson an up to a hill, and I ran not the shadows of the forest.
I waited patiently and stood in the shadows. I heard whispers and closed my eyes. ‘Behind
you’ one said.
“I know your there.” I said putting my hand on my skull ring.
“Really? I was quite as a mouse.”
“Yeah, but the shadows said so.” I said turning and looking at her.
Chiaroscuro smiled, and held the Spear of Baal in her hands. Chiron told her to keep it,
because she knew how to take care of spears.
“That’s not terrifying at all.” She said sarcastically.
I smiled, and tilted my head.
“Why not?” I said smiling more.
Chairs shuddered. “Your creeping me out man!” She said through a slight smile.
I smiled back, and watched her. Boy… gods of Olympus she was beautiful. I looked down
and kicked a rock. How can I ght her? Why would I want to.
“Why haven’t you taken your sword out?”
My face went red. “I— um Well… you know— tactics!” I lied.
Chiara raised an eyebrow and looked at me. She lowered the spear and stood there. We
both watched each other, and I smiled… a not creepy smile type of smile. Her face went red then
mine, and I looked down.
I pulled my ring off and my sword came out. I held up it up as the spear came down. I
didn’t want to ght her, so I just defended myself.
“Why aren’t you ghting?!” Chiara nally asked backing up. “It’s literally the point of this.”
She said softly.
I shrugged. “I don’t want to ght you.”
My face went red. “I um… well your my friend.”
“Okay… but this is like… we are pretending not to be in this game.” She said raising an
“Well… um… I don’t want to ght you.”
“We’re friends!”
“You already said that.”
My eyes widened and looked down. My face was red, and I bit my lip. “Well… I don’t
know… not in the mood.”
Chiara nodded and her grip on The Spear of Baal relaxed. “I get that….” She said softly.
We looked down then up at each other.
We looked up at a kid similar to her, but he had brown hair.
Ne shot a bow and arrow at me, and I held up my hands as black rock blocked the attack. I
pulled my sword out.
“Mikey stop!”
“Look Wolfe, go to a cave and stay there ok? Maybe you’ll nd Lycan.” He said bitterly to
her. Chiara’s face fell, and I saw tears in her eyes. My anger boiled, and I glared at him.
“Leave her alone.”
The kid name Mickey looked at me. He put his arrow down and drew his sword. “What did
you say?”
“Leave. Her. Alone.”
The kid ew at me— not literally— at the speed of light. I held up my sword, and swiped
like Luke taught me. I raised my free hand as Malcom rock shot up from the ground knocking
Mickey off of his feet. I ran at him, and knocked him back.
I wanted to be behind him.
I wanted to really badly.
I felt myself melt into the darkness, and I jumped up behind him. I swiped my sword and
knocked him forward onto the ground. I raised my hand as skeletal hands grabbed Mickey and
held him down. I held my sword up and was about to—
I looked at Chiara who had tears on her eyes.
I looked back at Mickey who was terried more than anything. I dropped my sword, and
took a set back as the skeletal hands released him. My breath was slow and I looked at my hands
as more darkness seemed to generate from me. Chiara ran and helped Mickey up, and she looked
at me. Her mech-match eyes were stunned, and teary and I saw… fear in them.
“Chiara I—”
I couldn’t nish my sentence before Chiara left with Micky. She looked back at me, and
shook her head, before walking away.
I knelt down and picked up my sword, and turned it into a ring. I put it on my nger but
didn’t stand up. I felt exhausted from my power, but I was more… I don’t even know. The was
she looked at me… fear.
I hung my head as tears formed in my eyes.
“I’m sorry.” I said softly into the woods.
Chapter 5
I walked through the Camp later that day, and people backed away from me. News had
spread like wildre. Nike Cabin gave me terrible looks because Mickey is a son of Nike. He’s
Chiara’s half brother. I took a deep breath and walked over to them. They all stood up, and put a
hand on their weapons.
“I just want to talk.” I said softly.
“Um, no.”
“Not happening.”
I bit my lip and looked down. “Please.”
“Never in a million years.”
I looked up and took another deep breath. I looked around the ones that were blocking my
view, and I saw Mickey staring at me like a ghost. I looked around and saw Chiara. She seemed
nervous, but her eyes pleaded. I didn’t know what they pleaded but they were.
“Never mind.” I told the body guards of Nike campers.
I walked away, and put my hands in my pockets. I got to my cabin and shut the door, and
sat on the ground. Why did I do that? Why would I do that? Am I… bad? I just tried to kill a
kid… on purpose.
The look in Chiara and her Brother’s eyes… just fear. That’s why children of Hades aren’t
welcome… isn’t it.
A knock came from behind me, and I stood up and opened the door.
“Hey man… can I come in?”
I nodded and Greyson walked in. He stumbled for a second before his eyes adjusted to the
dark Cabin. It was silent for a moment.
“I um… heard what happened man.”
“Everyone did.” I snapped.
Greyson nodded, and got a nervous look to his face.
“Not you too.” I said softly.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean.”
Greyson thought about it for a moment, and then sighed. “Dude, look, if you think I’m
going to stop being your friend, your wrong. Your literally a brother to me.” He said rmly. “And
nothing is going to change that.”
I stood there for a second. Even though we did ght— and attempted to kill each other—
Greyson was still there for me.
“Hey man, lets go get dinner okay?”
I nodded and walked with him out of the Cabin. I got terrible looks walking to dinner.
Greyson told them to go do something else… and I mean something else. We split was when we
got to dinner, and I grabbed my food and went outside while Greyson stayed with his cabin. I sat
outside and ate alone… I wanted to be alone.
“Hey kid. Mind if I join you?”
I looked up at Cypher and he smiled at me. I wanted to be alone, but he actually wanted to
sit with me. I shrugged and he sat down. Cypher was really tall but he was like twenty nine, but
bulky like Nerth his brother.
“So, how’s the food?”
I looked at my burger and shrugged.
Cypher nodded and looked up. “How are you?”
He nodded again and took a deep breath. He turned and looked at me. “Look, I get it. I
really do.”
“No you don’t.”
“Yes I do. When I was younger I acted out and I almost killed my sister.” He said softly.
I looked at him. Cypher was like a big future telling teddy bear, it a killer. “Huh?”
Cypher nodded. “Yeah. You know before I was at he Oracle I was a quest monster killing
guy. But yeah. I got mad, over reacted, and almost killed the person who was there for me for
everything.” He explained.
“I get how you feel, because your like me.” He said rmly.
I looked at him, and his eye were stern. He smiled, and I watched it fade.
“Are you okay?”
Cypher blinked hard and leaned over. He tried to catch his breath and he fell down. I
jumped and tried to help him up but he pushed me away.
What was it called.
Code… green? Yeah! Code green!
Within a second the whole camp came running over as green mist surrounded Cypher. He
ripped his eyepatch of as more mist came from where it was. His head ung back, and he lifted
off the ground and once again he pointed at me.
“A Child if the Eldest gods shall reach sixteen against all odds
Through the earth then under the ground, the son shall nd his way homeward bound
Enemy’s of him shall heal but the traitor shall not prevail
An oath to keep with nal breath
The pit of death shall spew its breath
Two shall fall but one will answer the call.”
Chapter 6
I packed my bag again for a quest. I had more clothes to pack this time, but still. I grabbed
my bag and stood up and looked around. I looked at a photo of the other sibling of mine. What
if I did meet him? Probably not. I was glad Greyson agreed to come. I needed the blonde haired
jerk. The other one that surprised me was Chiara. I looked at her, and before I could ask she
nodded. She was coming too.
I walked out of my cabin and down to the forest. I saw Greyson talking to Fiona, the girl
form Hectate cabin he liked. They were talking, and she folded her arms. She icked her hand,
and he started oating in the air. He squirmed and she laughed before letting him down. H hit
the ground and sat up with an embarrassed smile. Fiona leaned down and kissed him and I
watched his face go red.
I smiled as she walked away and I walked over.
“Did you get that girl?”
His face reddened and he smiled. “Oh yeah.” He said smiling.
I smiled and helped him up. Chiara came over and tossed us an apple. “Fresh food. Had a
Hermes kid steal it. Save it for later.” She said walking over.
Greyson nodded and started eating it, and we stared at him.
“What does save it for later mean to you?” She asked.
Greyson stopped eating it, and looked down. “Well… I’m hungry.” He said turning to nish
I glanced at Chiara and felt guilt ood me.
We turned around and Luke walked over. He watched us for a good minute then turned to
Greyson. “Your sister Iris Messaged your mom.” He said softly.
Greyson nodded, and Luke looked at us all. “The gods are silent. Don’t expect them to
help. I mean you never should, but especially now. I know one god who might disobey Zeus—
but still. Don’t expect anything.” Luke warned.
We nodded and turned to leave.
“Erebus… if you see Reta… tell her I said to remember Lato.” He said softly.
I nodded, and Luke said goodbye. We walked through the barrier and into the woods of the
mortal world.
“So where too?”
“Los Vegas. It said something about under the earth… the underworld. That’s where we
start.” Greyson explained.
All eyes fell on me.
The underworld. My dad lived there. How to get there…
“I have an idea… but I don’t know how it will work. I think I have strength for Kansas.” I
said softly.
Greyson read my mind and his eyes lit up. “Oh yeah man!”
I extended my hands and held them out. “Grab my hands.” I said softly.
Greyson and Chiara obeyed and when she grabbed my hand my face got red. I pushed that
thought out of my mind, and thought Los Angeles. I didn’t want to go so Kansas? I always
wanted to go there with mom. Plus I didn’t have that much strength.
I watched my hands fade to black into and then it spread to Chiara and Greyson. We fell
into the darkness and I kept my mind on Kansas. I kept my mind on Kansas but in the back of
my mind I had a question.
Who was the god that Luke was talking about?
He laid there. Nothing better to do with his immortal life. Astraea curled up next to him,
and tried to wrap an arm around him, but only got to his upper chest than arm. Cole was a seven
foot wonder. He smiled, reached up, and put his hand on hers. He sat there for a second and
thoughts blocked his min and everything. It blocked his memory.
“Mhm?” She said sleepily.
“Where are we?”
He looked at her and her eyes were wide. “Home.”
“Yeah, but like… where?”
“Why?” Cole asked sitting up. He strained his neck, then his chest.
“Because.., your a god.”
“I am?”
Astraea closed her eyes and said a silent prayer. “Yes Cole. You are.”
“Of what?”
“Battle, endurance, strength— your a war god— and probably forgetfulness and stupidity.”
She said bitterly.
“I’m a war god?”
Cole sat there for a second. Memories ooded him in an instant. “Oh yeah! I am!” He said
standing up.
“Cole it’s the middle of the night!” Astraea complained.
“I know… I can’t sleep.” He said softly. “I’m gonna go tire myself out.”
Astraea nodded and laid back down.
This whole gods on silent mode made Cole mad, agitated, and bored. Cole put all of his
weights on the bar, and sat down. It was like a normal human holding a pillow in one arm.
Nothing was ever heavy, and it was annoying. The one time where he felt something heavy after
nding out he was a god was holding the sky. He liked it. He liked the challenge.
He set the bar down and looked at his wife.
Astraea stood there and walked over. “I get your bored, but you are making plans to you
know… defeat Kronos.”
“Me making plans? No! Athena is all like ‘you boys stay out of it’ so me and dad toss a
grenade around and she’s all like ‘STOP YOU IDIOTS!’ We can’t help?! What does she
expect?!” He complained.
Astraea sat down next to him, and looked down. “You are helping wether you know it or
not. Think of it like this, it’s just you, me, and Isa.”
Cole nodded and shot up, and walked away.
“Wow.” Astraea said following him. She stopped at the door and smiled as Cole held the
small baby. His hand was easily the size of Isa.
“Please don’t try and throw her like a football.”
“What’s makes you think I’ll do that?”
“You did it with Nerth and Cyoher.”
Cole gave a small smile. “Their boys. They need to be tough. Not my girls. My girls are
already tough.”
Astraea blushed. “Like me?”
“You? No! Stop making it about you. Their tough like me, the boys are like you.” He said
smirking. Astraea glared at him, and he felt his body tremble.
“I’m kidding!”
Astraea eyed him.
“I swear on the Styx Astraea it’s a joke!!!”
Chapter 7
I opened my eyes and pulled my hoodie over my eyes and laid back more. I didn’t want to
be awake. I blinked for a good few seconds before exhaustion lled me again and I fell asleep.
I saw Reta. She looked ready for battle, and for the rst time I noticed she was about Luke’s
age. Her brown eyes were cold and bitter, and there were oil stains on her white shirt. She wore
overalls with burn marks, and a sword at her side made of steal. Her brown hair traced over a
group of monsters, and she looked ready to throw up on them. She rolled her eyes and sighed.
“This is what I get?!” She said angrily.
The monster’s uncomfortably looked down.
“Some army of Kronos.” She said bitterly. “You are supposed to me killing Half-Bloods—
EREBUS— but no. You decide to have a tea party.” She said pulling her mallet out. At the end
of the handle it had a wrench. It was a mix of Celestial Bronze and regular steal. Not good.
“The army of Kronos is supposed to be feared! So… are you scary? No.” She said
slamming her mallet over one’s head, turning it into folded dust.
“The child is heading to Los Angeles! Are we going to let that happen?” She asked the
army in monsters.
They all shook their heads.
The monsters roared, and one ripped a tree from its roots and threw it.
“So… rst order of business.” She said rmly getting their attention. “We stop the son of
My dream suddenly changed and I was watching someone else. He had his backpack
packed and something in his hand. Riptide was in his pocket, and he wore his Greek armor. Luke
Jackson pushed his hair up and walked into the darkness away from Camp. He looked down and
opened his hand revealing a locket with a photo. Him and Reta. She had his head and kissed his
cheek while Luke tried to kiss her back. He clenched his sts and closed the locket, and looked up
into the sky.
“Gods of Olympus. Spare her.”
My dream changed and I was in a dark place. Rock was everywhere and skeletons fought
monsters. I looked to see Luke and Reta at it at each other. Luke knocked her off her feet, apwith
tears in his eye.
BE Like THE OLD TIMES!” She yelled with a sob.
Luke bit his lip and looked down at her. He nodded slowly and closed his eyes as tears
streamed down.
Finally, I was falling. I was just falling. I looked down and saw Chiara in my arms. She
looked up at me with tears in her eyes as we fell into darkness.
I opened my eyes again and sat up. A re was made and it was still dark outside. Someone
came behind me and ripped my hood off my head. I turned and glared at Greyson.
“Good morning sleepy head… or should I say goodnight?” He said sitting down.
“Slept for exactly twenty four hours.” He said looking at his watch.
I jolted up and blinked my tiredness out of my eyes. “WHAT?! YOU SHOULD HAVE
“We weren’t going to wake you up.” Chiara said shaking her head. “Two reasons. Shadow
travel is supposed to be tiring. This was what… your second time? Not good odds.”
“Third.” I said softly— you know, while trying to murder her brother.
“Okay, third. Second of all it’s like waking a sleeping bear.” She explained.
“Thought we might get killed.” Greyson joked.
I didn’t like that joke. I didn’t like that joke at all. I sat there and watched the re cackle. “I
had a dream.” I said softly.
Chiara and Greyson looked up.
“Reta has an army of monsters coming to kill us. Luke… he’s coming, and will join her in
some sort of 1v1.” I said softly.
Greyson and Chiara looked at me. I didn’t want to tell them about the whole falling into
darkness, and Reta and Luke being really good friends.
“That doesn’t sound like Luke.” Greyson said folding his arms.
“I know it doesn’t, but that’s what happened.” I said rmly.
We sat there in silence for a while. “Are you sure you didn’t miss understand the dream?”
Chiara asked softly.
I nodded. “It was clear as day.”
“I… I’m going to bed.” Greyson said softly. He got up and laid down next to a tree.
I looked at Chiara then back at the re. We were silent for a while. Chiara looked up at me
and said, “He and Luke have been friends for years.”
I looked up at Greyson, and felt bad. Maybe I should have left Luke out of it.
“Yeah.” She said softly, pulling her legs to her chest. She tossed a leaf into the re. Her eyes
were hard, but also scared.
She looked up at me. “For what?”
I looked down at the re. “For the whole thing with your brother.”
“Oh… it’s ne.”
“No it’s not.” I said softly.
“Erebus, I know it was an accident.”
I sat there and felt my face fall. “But it wasn’t. I tried to kill him on purpose.” I said softly.
There was a silence that was taking a stab at me. I just wanted her to say something.
“I… I sort of gured. I just didn’t want to believe it.” She said softly. “And I still won’t. You
were mad, and let your anger get the better of you. Anger controls people and makes them do
stupid stuff.” She said. “And, I know you were just being controlled by your anger.” She said
I looked up at her. “How do you know?”
Chiara looked at me. “I know you. That’s how I know.” She said with a small smile.
I smiled and looked down. “You should get some sleep.”
“Nah, I’m good.”
I looked up at her. “You sure?”
She nodded. “Can’t sleep anyways. A new moon is coming up.” She said softly, sitting back.
I nodded, and sat back next to her. We both looked at each other and smiled.
“Truth or dare?” She asked smiling.
I shrugged.
She got a smirk, and my face went red. I knew were this was going. I looked up and away
from her.
“Is it true you have a girl in mind— you know, a crush?”
My face was heating up so much, I couldn’t dare look at her. “Well…— I um…— I don’t
know… well yeah. I do.” I said softly.
“My turn, truth or dare?” I said nally looking at her.
“Truth, but I think I know where this is going.”
“Do you nd pleasure in a boy— you know, a crush?” I mocked.
Her face went red and she looked away. “Yeah… I do.” She said slowly with a red face. I
smiled and sat back up. She did too.
“Truth or dare?” She asked,
“Dare. I’m done with truth.” I said scratching my neck.
Chiara laughed, and I smiled at her.
“Okay, I dare you to tell me who you like!” She said with a devious grin.
“YOU CAN’T DO THAT!” I said angrily.
“Yes I can!” She laughed.
My face was a bright red. I didn’t want to tell her at all. I looked down and at the re, and
stayed silent.
“Come on man, you can trust me.” She said punching my shoulder.
I looked up at her, and realized how close we were sitting. I wanted to just say it but I
“I… I like… I like you.” I said softly.
Her eyes widened like golfballs, and her face went a bright shade of pink. I looked down
and back up at her.
“I… I’m surprised.” She said softly. “I’m a monster.”
“Your not a monster.” I said rmly.
She laughed to herself. “Your cute skull lord.” She said softly looking down. She tossed a
branch into the re.
I was going to ignore the fact I was just called skull lord, and just watch her. She didn’t say
anything about me liking her… she didn’t say anything back to me.
“What’s wrong with that?” I asked nudging her.
She went red and looked up at me. “I… I don’t get how you like me. I’m a literal monster
who relies on a stupid stone to keep her sanity.”
“I don’t care.”
“Erebus, that’s sweet, but—”
Before I knew it I put a hand on her cheek and kissed her. Her lips were warm, so was her
cheek. It took me a second to realize what in the gods earth I was doing and I jumped up.
“Sorry! I— well— I um—”
She looked at me and smiled. “I love you too Skull Lord.”
Chapter 8
Chiara fell asleep against her will, while I kept watch. It was okay. The sun rose, and after a
while we started back on the quest. We ended up walking into a town, and decided on eating in
one of the breakfast dines. The hostess let us in no problem. I looked at Greyson and Chiara
closely. Greyson looked like a freshman football player, and Chiara looked like a day care worker
that was really beautiful and liked kids— did I mention a goddess too? I sat down across from
Chiara and Greyson— I didn’t want it to be awkward. I mean, I kissed that girl last night, and we
like each other. Are we irty friends or a couple or like… I don’t know. I looked at myself in the
reection of the water cup. I guess we were older. Last year I was fourteen, now fteen made me
look like I was an actual teenager. I looked like how I always did— what’s that patch always
there?! I looked at my neck witch had a black patch of skin on it. What the heck?!
“Um… you good emo?”
I looked up, and nodded.
“Okay.” Greyson said with a worried face. “I think we need to get out of here as soon as we
can.” He said rmly.
“Why?” Chiara asked.
Greyson’s bright expression went dark. “The monsters know we’re here. My dream had
Reta command them to come… she was coming with.” He said rmly, folding his arms.
I sat back in the chair, and listened as Chiara shared her dream.
“That’s like mine, but I saw Luke in it more.”
Greyson perked up. “What was he doing?!”
“He hot-wired a car, and is in Arkansas already.” She said softly.
“Arkansas? But we’re in Kansas!” Greyson said grabbing his water. He then looked up at
me… his eyes were dark. He saw what I saw. Luke joining Reta.
“Think we can shadow travel again?”
I looked up. “I think I have enough energy for another jump. Hard to tell.” I said softly.
Greyson and Chiara nodded, as the waitress came over and asked, “What would you guys
like to eat?”
We all ordered, and she relled our water and walked off. Greyson looked back at me, and
then looked at Chiara sitting next to him. I wasn’t worried. I knew Greyson liked Fiona the
Hectate girl, and Chiara like me.
“If an army is coming from us we need help. Three against who knows how much is not
good odds, even if Luke did show up.” Greyson said rmly.
“I agree. We need help when the monsters come.” Chiara said softly.
The doors of the diner opened we we all gave a jump thinking it was a monster… was this
guy one?! He was at the least seven foot tall. He wore a white tang top, and long black jeans. He
wore a pair of sunglasses, but the guy was huge. He was easily stronger than anyone on this
earth. He had maroon hair, a tame maroon beard, and dark tan skin. He looked over at us, and
walked over. I scooted far away, and he sat down. I was against the window, afraid to accidentally
touch the guy’s muscles.
“Hey kids.” He said taking his glasses off. Maroon eyes that had a dim glow eyed us all.
“Want me to shoot over kid?”
I nodded, and the god scooted over some.
“Heard you needed help?”
“GREAT!” He said happily. “Can I have that?” He said pointing to Greyson’s water.
Greyson nodded with wide eyes, and to be honest the glass of water looked like a shot glass
compared to this god.
“Anyways. What do you demigods need?” He said excitedly.
We all stared at him.
“Um… why are you helping us. Aren’t the gods supposed to be silent and not help us right
now?” Chiara asked.
The god nodded. “Oh yeah, but I got bored. Athena won’t let me and my father Ares help
with a battle strategy but she needs up, but won’t let us help. So me and Ares on on strike against
Athena. Athena tried to get out help nally— you know, because me and my father Ares are war
gods— but we are on strike against her so—”
“Look, Cole, can you get to the point?” Greyson said rmly.
Cole looked up. “Sound like your mom kid. Anyways, I got bored. I need something to do.”
He said softly.
The waitress came back and handed us food, and took Cole’s order. Greyson, Chiara, and I
all looked at each other. We all had the same idea in our minds. Gods of Olympus I—
“Gods of Olympus what?” Cole the god asked.
I looked up with startle. “You can read minds?!”
“If it includes me, yes.” Cole said folding his arms. “It gets so annoying and Astraea is all
like, ‘Stop making it up’, BUT IM NOT!”
We all looked at the god as he ranted on. I could tell being locked up in Olympus was not
his thing. He had a lot to complain about.
“Look, Cole, we need help.” Greyson said getting him back on track.
“Right, so what do you kids need?”
“There’s an army of monsters trying to get us,” Chiara explained. “Do you think you can
slow them down?”
Cole eyed her for a second. “Do I think I can slow them down?” He asked carefully. He
started to laugh, I backed away from him.
“Dear girl, do I look like I might slow them down? I can kill half the army for you guys!”
He said happily.
Our eyes widened and we looked at each other.
“That would be great!” Chiara said energetically.
“Thanks dude!” Greyson said eating his eggs.
Cole smiled as the waitress came back and brought him a lot of pancakes. He got the check
and paid for us, and practically inhaled his pancakes.
He looked up, and stood up. We got up it’s the god after we ate and walked outside with
him. His face went stern and he scratched his bearded chin.
“They’re almost here. You three should go.” He said rmly.
We nodded and Chiara and Greyson looked at me.
“How much energy do you have now emo?”
“Enough to get us to California.” I said softly.
They grabbed my hands, and I looked at Chiara. She smiled, and laced her ngers with
mine… man I loved that girl. I looked at Cole. He suddenly had godly armor around him. He
held a sword, and kicked his foot up as a dagger ew up to his hand. He was going to destroy
them. I looked back at Greyson and Chiara.
Chapter 9
After the same annoying dream as last time— with the addition with Luke now in
Oklahoma— how did he get there?! I opened my eyes, and immediately was pushed back.
“Lay down!” Greyson hissed.
I tried to sit up, and he shoved me down again.
“Take this.” He said holding up nectar.
“What?! No! What’s happening!”
“Shut up and take it!” Chiara said rmly.
I obeyed immediately and took the nectar. The godly drink felt great on my lungs, and I felt
a tingle on my neck. I sat up, and felt dazed and lightheaded. I laid back down, and scratched my
arm. Where’s my hoodie?! Man I hated being in a t-shirt….
“Can I have my hoodie back Mr Docterman.” I complained.
“Not right now.” Greyson said folding his arms.
I complained and blinked. I looked up and realized I was laying down in Chiara’s lap. I
rolled my eyes, and bit back a smile.
“So what happened?” I asked.
Chiara looked at me, and thought hard. “We came out from the shadow thing and you
collapsed again. We went to bring you to the side, but we couldn’t. You were..l you were like a
vapor of air. We got worried, but you started to come around.” She said softly.
I put my hand to my neck… and didn’t feel my hand there.
“Like my neck right now?”
She looked at it and nodded. “No more shadowy underworldy stuff okay?!”
She had to be joking, but her expression said otherwise. I folded my arms and looked at her.
“I can’t promise anything.” I said rmly. “It just happens sometimes.” I said sitting up against the
tree next to her.
Chiara sighed and I noticed her face. She looked bad. Pale, and sick. Her necklace was
giving a strong glow.
“I’m gonna guess I slept a while and it’s a New Moon.”
She nodded, and took a deep breath. “It sucks.”
I nodded and looked at Greyson who was going through his medical stuff. He looked up at
Chiara and tossed her a silvery drink.
“For the headache.” He said softly. “And this,”
He tossed her some nectar and looked at us. “That is for Emo. He’ll won’t take it, and will
beat me up if I give it to him.” He said eyeing me.
“True.” I said with a shrug.
A while passed, and Greyson hit the deck. A spider came out and scared him, and the guy
fainted. I’ll never understand why people related to Athena are scared of spiders. I walked
around the area, and saw Los Vegas a few miles away. Not bad. I made it this far, and this close to
the city… my dad might be there.
I looked over at Chiara who was sitting away from the moonlight, and behind a tree.
She looked up at me and waved. I signaled her to come over here, and she shook her head.
“Come on!” I said smiling.
She looked up and shook her head. “I can’t.”
“Yes you can.”
She looked at me, and then at the ground. She forced herself up, and walked slowly over to
me. Her face got paler and sicker in the moonlight and her necklace glowed brighter.
“Erebus, I—”
“See, your ne!”
“It doesn’t work like that.” She said softly. She took another step and lost her balance. I
jumped and caught her, and set her down gently,
“Erebus, I can’t. I don’t have strength and let me tell ask you why?”
I looked at her and got on my knees.
“Why do you do this? Why aren’t you scared that your almost sixteen? Why do you listen to
me? Why don’t you understand I am a monster?”
I looked at her carefully. “I do this because of a stupid prophecy. I’m not scared, but I’m
terried about being sixteen. I listen to you because you know more than me.” I said simply.
Heck, I was terried. I don’t want to do this stupid prophecy thing.
I looked at Chiara and held her hands, and wrapped an arm around her. “Your not a
monster.” I said softly. I kissed her forehead, and whispered in her ear, “Your ne just the way you
She gave a small smile, and I saw exhaustion in her eyes. “Can I go back to the tree now? I
like that tree.” She said with a small smile.
I smiled and helped her up and to the tree. I sat down next to her, and held her warm hand.
A while passed and I looked at her. She was asleep. I grabbed my hoodie that was thrown to the
side, and put it on her like a blanket.
“Aw, how adorable.”
I looked up at Greyson who was conscious again. He had a smirk to his face, and I glared at
“Shut up.”
“No. Get sleep. I’ll take the rst shift.” He said smiling.
I nodded and laid back. I poked my head up and looked at Greyson again. “If another
spider scares you wake me up and I’ll get it for you.”
A shoe came ying at me, and I threw it back.
“I’ll wake you up in the morning okay?”
I nodded and laid back. I didn’t feel that tired, but I found myself drifting off.
The monsters retreated from Cole. He killed more than half before Zeus zapped him back
to Olympus. The dream changed and I saw Reta. She looked angry, and the army stood in front
of her.
“Is this what our master wants of us?”
The monsters looked down.
“We should be able to DESTROY THE GODS! Not be destroyed by one! ONE!” She
roared angrily.
“We are the servants of Kronos! What would he want? Us to fail? To die of one god?! One
who just to happens to be new.”
The monsters looked at each other. Reta folded her arms. “We head to Los Angeles! The
realm of Hades is where we needed to go anyways. We will go and kill the child, and rescue our
master from the pit.” She said rmly.
The monsters cheered, and the dream changed.
“I’m not stupid.” Luke Jackson said to himself. “Their prophecy said about underground.
Underworld. Los Angeles.” He looked up at one of the bobble heads up you would see in a
trucker’s car.
“I’m not stupid right?”
The bobble head bobbed it’s head and Luke rolled his eyes. “And I’m talking to a bobble
He put the gears on the car all the way up, and the pedal literally to the medal. He entered
California, and sped off into the night.
My dream changed again, and I was screaming at Greyson to do something. He stood
paralyzed by fear and I looked up and froze a giant spider demon lady licked her fangs.
“Oh grandchild of Athena. I am your death.”
My dream changed and I was falling again with Chiara in my arms. I looked down and saw
a green river, and pushed her away as I fell into it.
Finally I was at camp. Greyson stood alone and looked like he told the camp something
important. The Camp nodded and looked at him.
My eyes popped open, and I sat up. My head pounded and I caught my breath. Chiara and
Greyson were up, and stared at me.
“You good man?”
“We need to get to Los Angeles now!”
We packed everything up, and I put my hoodie back on. I put my armor on, and didn’t care
what the normal humans thought. We walked through, and I felt all sorts of presences. I walked
past a few places, and could feel death, or life. Chiara and Greyson followed, and I followed the
trail of death I felt. We walked and walked until, we came to a closed recording studio.
“This is the place.” I said softly.
“You sure?” Chiara asked softly.
“Emo knows.” Greyson said with a weak smile.
I smiled, and opened the door. Ghosts lled the room and were in a line. I signaled for
Chiara and Greyson to follow me. I walked to the front,a nod ghosted yelled at me to get in line.
“Get in line like everyone else.”
“No buts kid. I don’t care how you died.” The ghost at the front desk said still looking down
at papers.
My anger boiled, and Chiara out a hand on my shoulder. “We should just get in line.”
I shook my head and clenched my sts and glared at the ghost. “Look man, I need to get
back there! I don’t care what you think, we we have too!”
“Look kid,” The Ghost looked at me and froze. He eyed me hard and then glared again. “I
don’t care! You. An wait like all the others!”
“What make you think you get a skip the line pass kid?! Huh?!”
“My name is Erebus, Son of Hades.” I said rmly. “You will listen to me.”
The ghosts eyes widened. He said my name as through it was hard to believe I was here.
“Yes yes yes, right this way my lord.”
“Im a lord?”
We walked with the ghost as he oated away leading us to a boat. Another ghost was
waiting, and had a smile.
“Where do you demigods need to go?” He asked.
“You know we’re demigods?”
The ghost laughed. He was about sixteen years old looking, and I saw a Camp Half-Blood
t-shit. “I used to go to camp. Tyler, son of Demeter.” He said smiling.
We got into the boat, as the ghost Tyler made it move. He asked us about our quest, but
after we told him his face went slack.
“We’ve been feeling Kronos’s power from the pit.” He said coldly. He looked at me, and his
smile came back. “Hades speaks of you a lot. He always goes on about your mother, and how
you take after him in a lot of ways. He’s really proud of you.” Tyler said smiling.
My face went red. I always thought my dad would look down at me and say, ‘you could
have done better’, but hearing that my dad is proud of me… wow. I was glad I kept my hair in
my face, because this was embarrassing how much I was blushing. We passed by Cerberus the
three headed dog, and Tyler shared a story about how the dog nished reforming after a trip to
Tartarus when Cole the god killed him. We got out of the boat soon enough, and I could feel the
bones under my feet, the spirits, and all the death. This was… homey. I looked at Chiara and
Greyson who seemed paralyzed by fear. They were looking past me. I looked up and froze.
I blinked as Hades stood over me. He smiled at me, patted my head, and rufed my black
shaggy hair.
“Well, I suppose I wanted a better family reunion, but work must be done my son.”
Chapter 10
We walked for a while with Hades. He would glance at me and smile, then keep leading us
to where we were going. We walked into a dark tunnel, and then into an open area.
“Im afraid this is where I must leave you my boy.” Hades said softly. His smile was gone off
of his pale face, and he seemed sad.
“Oh… okay. Thank you… um Father.” I said softly.
Hades nodded and smiled. “You are so much like Tiffany.” He said softly.
My face went red again and I smiled. The fact my dad said I was like mom… wow. He
pulled me aside, and his black eyes stared into mine.
“Look, there are things I am not aloud to do. This situation your about to face is one of
them. I am sorry I can not interfere but it is the laws that bind us all. The fates have chosen, do
you understand?”
I looked at my father and nodded. “I do.”
He patted my head again, and walked away with Tyler leaving with him. Tyler gave us a
thumbs up, and disappeared.
I walked over to Greyson and Chiara, and took a deep breath. I knew something was going
to happen. I looked up at an area that skeletons were guarding and I could see the pit. Tartarus. I
looked at the others.
“We have to stay away from the pit. That is an entrance to Tartarus… I can feel it.”
Chiara and Greyson nodded. “We can too.” Chiara said softly.
“We may not be a child of the underworld but we can feel it.” Greyson said rmly. He
looked up and froze.
I looked up and saw the biggest spiderweb I’d ever seen. I heard a scratchy voice echo and a
evil face appear.
“Ah… food.”
I turned to Greyson who let out a whimper, and Chiara’s eyes went wide. I looked up as the
demonic spider lady crawled out. She had red eyes, long black hair, yellow fangs, and her body
was a spider. I know nothing about Greek mythology even with spending a few months with Lura
Baxter. Maybe I have heard….
“Arachne.” Greyson squeaked.
Oh, that’s it’s name!
The evil spider lady smiled. “Oh grandchild of Athena. I am your death.”
Greyson was paralyzed by fear as the spider thing came down. She nashed her teach
together and came at us. I pulled out my sword, and ducked down. Chiara tacked Greyson to the
ground and pulled out the Spear of Baal. She shot lightning out of the spear, and into Arachne’s
gut. The spider demon lady roared, and ran at Chiara and Greyson. I jumped up, and slammed
my sword into her abdomen and she screamed— like a bag of rocks. Man it was bad. She turned
around and grabbed me and started spinning a web around me.
I felt myself being suffocated, and I looked at the skeletons that were guarding the pit.
“HELP ME!” I croaked.
The skeletons jumped into action and started ghting giant spider lady. Chiara ran over
and used the spear and freed me.
He looked up in fear, and couldn’t move. I ran over and pulled him away as Arachne
started destroying the skeletons. Sorry dad.
“SNAP OUT OF IT!” Chiara yelled at Greyson.
I smacked my brother form completely different parents across the face. “Listen to the lady
man!” I yelled shaking him.
“Your the son of scary Lura and doctor Devin! SNAP OUT OF IT!” I slapped him again,
and his eyes hardened.
Me and Chiara were grabbed from behind and Arachne came at us. She nashed her teeth,
and pinned us to where we couldn’t move. “Lovely snacks.”
I looked at Greyson who was furious. He held his bow and arrow and pointed it at Arachne.
He shot his arrow and hit the spider in the head. She yelled and ran at him as he reloaded
quickly. To late. The spider jumped at him.
Someone ran in and sliced a sword through the spider as it turned into golden dust.
Luke Jackson stood there and he looked mad.
“Are you guys okay?!”
I nodded then was slammed from behind. Monsters ran in, and Reta led them. She had a
crooked grin, and walked up to me. “Oh son of Hades… we meet again.”
We looked at Luke who held his sword. Reta’s eyes softened immediately and she looked at
him. “Luke.” She said softly.
Monster grabbed me and threw me. I pulled out my sword and lunged at it, and sliced my
sword through it as it turned to dust.
“Come at me.” I dared the others.
Man I’m stupid.
They all came at me and Chiara stood by my right, and Greyson at my left.
“Of course man.”
We ran at the monsters, and started killing them one by one. I slammed my sword through
one, and heard the shadows say ‘behind you’. I melted into darkness and then jumped up and
slammed my sword into the monster that was behind me. I spun around and stabbed another.
Greyson jumped up and shot two arrows, that hit two monsters in the heads as they turned
to dust. He looked up at me and pulled an arrow out and shot. The arrow wised past my ear and
took down another monster.
Chiara must have mastered that spear, because she sent lightning, hail, and all sorts of
weather stuff at the monsters. She then threw it through four of them and they turned to dust.
The spear disappeared then regenerated in her hand.
I looked over and watched as Luke slammed his sword against Reta’s. It was made of Iron
and Celestial Bronze. They seemed to really be going at it. Luke jumped up and kicked Reta in
the head and she ung down.
“OF COURSE I DO!” She cried.
Luke stopped and dropped his hands down. “Then why all of this?!” He asked with tears in
his eyes.
“The gods abandoned me, they abandoned you! All of us!” She cried. “Luke, join me!” She
Luke seemed held back. “NO!” He lunged at her and their swords met. Reta pulled her
mallet out, and walked him across the head. Luke ung down and Riptide dropped to his side.
He stumbled as he got up.
BE Like THE OLD TIMES!” She yelled with a sob.
Luke bit his lip and looked down at her. He nodded slowly and closed his eyes as tears
streamed down.
I turned around and stabbed another monster.
Luke looked up. “Never. You’ve chosen your poisoned path, and I attend too keep mine
pure.” He lunged at her, and knocked her off her feat. He started beating her with ease and tears
in his eyes. Reta had tears too.
“YOU PROMISED!” She screamed at him.
Like ignored her and slammed Riptide, and sent her back several feet.
I looked back and ducked onto the shadows and appeared next to Greyson and Chiara.
The monsters started gaining, and Greyson looked mad.
“Slap me again.”
He looked at me and I saw a faint glow in his eyes.
“Slap me again.”
I shrugged. Yay! I pulled all of my force and didn’t slap him, but punched him across the
face. He hit the ground, and started cursing in Greek.
“I don’t care.”
He looked up and his nose was gushing out blood. His eyes got a golden gleam to them,
and so did his hands.
The monsters turned at looked at me.
“Erebus what are you doing?” Chiara said softly.
“You’ll see.”
I stood behind Greyson and gave them a not so good hand sign and they came running at
“COMING TO BEST ME UP TOO?!” He yelled angrily.Golden sunlight started to
surround the angry kid. He yelled and golden light slapped all of us. He ran at the monsters with
his bow and started shouting them down.
I raised my hands as skeletons came up and ran at the monsters.
Luke spun around and knocked Reta off of her feet. Suddenly a cold whisper cam through
the air— out of Tartarus.
Free me from my prison
Reta looked up with wide eyes. She kicked Luke back and ran for the pit, and jumped. Luke
tried to stop her but was too late. The monsters stood there for a second then ran out.
“Oh no.” I said softly.
Greyson— who was back to normal— looked at me. “What do you mean?”
“Kronos.” Luke said softly. “She’s going for him.”
We all looked at each other. I clenched my sts and the earth cracked from under my feet.
Chiara tackled me away, and looked at me.
I looked to where I was standing. A large hole in the ground was there… a new way to
“I didn’t mean to!” I said jumping up.