Heyyy guys I can finally post my drama update bc Tristen41 isn’t active anymore. So wdym u maybe thinking well let’s start from the beginning so as u guys know Tristen and I are friends irl ( well wewere) the truth is we both had a crush on each other we started talking around the same time hebecame active on notability. Me and him were talking not talking but TALKING it was all cute till hestarted being distant this week he barley talked to me on Monday I wanted to ask him why but Inever got the chance. On Tuesday he talk to me even less and made shut his a annoyingcomment( as u guys know I hurt my wrist well this kid in my class grabbed my brace and threw it inthe sink so it was all wet) so I went up to Tristen to see if he would talk to me I told him whathappened and that my wrist hurts really bad he goes so then make ur wrist stop hurting and walkedaway like wowo so much for always be there for u. On Wednesday I llst it I was in before care andTristen sat at my table ( like ok ignore me for 2 days that try and talk to me again) I had my head onthe table so he thought I was sleeping he was talking to my siblings and stuff and i finally lifted upmy head when I heard my friend come in so I’m in a bad mood all ready and my friend was goingthrough my pencil box ( I didn’t mind) then she gives it to Tristen I was like no don’t give it to himthere are notes form people in there ( the notes were special to me bc there from all my girl friends)then Tristen goes what are they all ur love notes from Joseph ( the boy who wet my brace) I lost itand threw my pencil box as hard as I could at him he just started laughing at me ( like bro I’m talkingto u not Joseph) I was so upset and I just looked at my friend and started crying I’m so sick of mylife I’m so sick of everything I’m hurting inside and no one sees it and I can’t take it anymore I can’ttake the crying at night. The feeling that I’m not loved that no one cares abt me that I and just beingwalked over I can’t stand it I tell my self I’m fine I tell my friends I’m fine but if u take a good look atme I’m not I’m not ok I’m not doing well I’m depressed and I hate my life. Yesterday I went to schoollike nothing happened like I was on cloud nine but today I couldn’t when I saw Tristen talking to thisgirl I just went to the bathroom and started crying I fell for him I fell hard to go threw what I go threwall the time. And it’s not even like he asked if I’m ok nope he didn’t even look at me. Red asked if Iwas ok and kept trying to get me to tell him like I’m sorry I can’t take this. I just break down in pottears bc of everything inside of me I can’t hold it in anymore. And I’m in such a bad state of mindnow that I’m not good enough for anyone or anything.I feel like a big bolder could fall on me and noone would care to help me