Erebus W: Chapter 12
Dasmansen, Bob, Chiara and I walked for a while. We got to an area and Dasmansen and
Bob stopped.
“We can not go any further.” The giant said softly.
I nodded, and put Chiara’s necklace back on her.
“Thanks.” She said softly.
I smiled, and looked up at the giant and Bob. “Thank you.” I said softly. Chiara nodded in
agreement. The giant smiled, and Bob waved goodbye. I waved back, and looked at the big
skeleton. I started understanding him… I saw who he was.
“Your Iapetus, the Titan lord of mortal life.” I said softly.
Bob nodded and looked down. I took that as our time to go. I smiled and turned to
We walked into the mist and I turned to Chiara. I held held out my hands, and felt the
mist surround them. Man I didn’t want to make her look dead. I imagined her as a pretty
girl, but with a sword through her gut. Blood stained on her clothes….
I opened my eyes and looked at her. She was how I imagined her. She looked like herself
but her skin was pale. She had a bluish tint to her skin and the fake sword was through
her with the blood stains around it. My turn. I didn’t care how I looked. I imagined myself
as a mummy from Egypt.
I opened my eyes and smiled. Neat. I looked up at Chiara who had wide eyes as she
looked at me.
“It worked.” She said softly. Her voice sounded far away like a ghost.
“Yup!” Mine sounded chocky and old.
“Your so stupid sometimes.” She said starting to walk.
I shrugged, and walked with her. I held her hand, and kept my other hand close to my
ring. I scanned around the area as monsters walked in a march. They walked right past
us. I sighed in relief, and out my hand in the hoodie pocket. I felt bad for wherein my
hoodie, but Chiara assisted she was ne without it.
We walked through Tartarus and around the monsters. I was glad they didn’t notice us,
but something was off. They were walking in rows… battle rows. Chiara took notice as
well, and looked at me. I put a nger to my mouth, and she nodded. We followed behind
the army and they all stopped.
I looked at Chiara, and she read my look. She oated up in the air, and I squeezed her
hand to hold on. We ew over and I looked down. My blood boiled and I saw Reta. She
stood with a smirk on her face.
“Our time has come!” She proclaimed. “Kronos shall rise!”
I felt something like wind pass my ear. I looked at Chiara who looked terried in her
‘dead’ face. I looked down as wind started to move the dirt and a golden glow formed.
“Who wants to be the host of Kronos?” Reta asked.
The monsters took a step back as the golden glow formed around Reta.
She took a step back as the wind and light followed her. I read her face as it went cold
and terried.
“You chose your path.” A voice yelled.
I closed my eyes and heard a scream. A sudden feeling of death settled over my body.
Someone died.
I opened my eyes and looked up and Reta laid down on the ground. The golden wind
moved into her and her eyes shot open with a golden glow.
I lurched back, and Chiara lost her grip on me. She ew down and caught be before I
could hit the ground. I gave her a ‘thanks’ look, and her eyes were wide with ‘Your an
idiot’. We landed on the ground and we carefully walked over behind a rock and peaked
over it.
Reta stood up, and pushed the dirt off her jeans.
“What a odd body.”
The voice was a voice from my dreams. It was Reta’s mixed with a old, and timely voice.
Kronos pulled out a screw driver from the pocket and started to dget.
“I feel the need to do something.” He said rmly.
Kronos extended a hand as a Scythe formed in it. Kronos smiled and cracked his— or
Reta’s— knuckles.
I felt the breath leave my body, and I just watched. I was to stunned. Kronos looked up
and me and Chiara ducked down.
“Well what are you waiting for!” Kronos yelled. “The doors are ready!”
I looked at Chiara. We both had the same idea. I opened my hands and the Death Mist
I was done pretending.
I pulled my skull ring off and my sword formed. I looked up at Chiara. She pulled out a
leave from her Greek oral hair, and the Spear of Baal formed in her hand.
We stood up and walked out from behind the rock, and Kronos’s eyes fell on me.
“Son of Hades, Daughter of Nike… welcome! My dear girl, how was your
day in Tartarus!” Kronos said clapping his hands together.
I looked at Chiara who balled her sts.
“What do you want from me?” She said rmly. I could take a few notes on bravery… that
was brave.
“Oh nothing my dear girl… your kind would be highly ranked! But you
son of Hades… you will be stronger than any other in my ranks. Now
dear girl… how are you?” Kronos said with a sneer.
I looked at Chiara and back at Kronos. Then it hit me like a Disney cruise ship. Chiara was
the daughter of Nike… goddess of Victory. He wanted Chiara… he wanted Victory.
Chiara held the spear tighter, and I held my sword.
“Ah… I see. Do you really think you can defeat me?” Kronos said raising his
We were shot back, then forward. It was like a time loop. I looked as the monsters ran
for Elevator like doors, and started to go up to the mortal world. We were to late. The
Battle was starting.