30 DAYS CHALLENGE10-DAY REVIEW3 WEEKS REVIEW- Put a kettlebell sticker on the board when you’re done.- Don’t set a goal that’s too hard. Always go small.- Don’t skip more than 2 days.- Repetition matters, not perfection.- Give yourself a great reward if you make it.RULE TO PLAYIMPORTANCE OF THIS CHALLENGEIs there anything to improve to keep this challenge?How did you do?FINAL REVIEWREWARDIs there any difference from day 10?Is there anything to improve to keep this challenge?How did you do?WHAT IS MY EXPECTATION?Things I realizedGOALDAY 7DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 DAY 5DAY 12 DAY 13 DAY 14 DAY 16 DAY 17 DAY 18 DAY 19DAY 20 DAY 21 DAY 23DAY 22 DAY 24 DAY 25DAY 26 DAY 27 DAY 28 DAY 29 DAY 30DAY 8 DAY 9 DAY 10DAY 15DAY 11DAY 6How many days did you do?Is there any lesson since the challenge?If you want to keep it as your routine, what would be yournext challenge?How do you feel about this challenge?