historyofHanukkah Initiate
By164BCE the Jetishrevolt
againsttheSeleucid monarchy
was successful TheTemple wasLiberated andrededicatedThe
festivalof Hanukkah was
instituted to celebrate
this event
given as presentsduring
the Jewishfestivalof
Brisketis a cut ofmeat
fromthebreastor lower
w h a t h a p p e n s d u r in
g t h e festival
on thefirstnightonecandle plusa'helper candlecalledthe
Shammash is lit Onthe second nighttwocandles
plustheshammasharelit Thiscontinuesuntilninecandles
are blazingonthefinalnightThisiswhy Hanukkah isoften
w h a t a re s t ra d it i o n s o th a n u k k a h
Sing Songs
yummyfried treats
Spinning tops
Gold coins
s t h e r e a s t o r y a s s o c i a t ed
i t h t h e g ie s t i v a 1
anukkatranslatestodedication inHebrew theholidaypaystributetothededication
agroupof Jewswhobelieved
ferventlyin theirrightto religiousfreedom
soknowasthefestivaloflights Hanukkahcelebratesthemiraclethatoccurred
hentheMaccabeesreclaimed theTemple
TheGreekshadbanned all Jewishreligiousrituals King
antiochustried tomake the Jews praytoGreekGodsbutthey
There was agroup of Jews calledMaccabees who
oughtagainstthisandwent to war After3years of
ar they won but their temple was destroyed
heyrepairedthe temple andwhentheyhadfinished they
elebratedby lighting an oillamp
There was onlyenoughoil toburnthecandle for one
ay but bysome miricale it burned for eightdays
hisis whytheHanukkahfestival lastsforeightdaysand
so whyitis known as thefestival of light
i n t e r e s t i n 9
f a e t s
uring Hanukkah thereisNOShellfish allowed
ndJews will Not mix meat anddairyn the same meal so if a chicken is on the
able you won't find butter or cheese
o wishsomeone a happy Hanukkah say
HanukkahSameach Happy Hanukkah or
imply Chag Sameach HappyHoliday or if
ou want to show off yourHebrewskillssay
hagUrimSameach urimmeans lightest
oday's Hanukkahdecorations Carry on the
radition oftheholidaysearlyAmericanpopularity
h that theylookJustlike christmasdecorations
they're blueandalbite
J o a n i e