historyofHanukkah InitiateBy164BCE the JetishrevoltagainsttheSeleucid monarchywas successful TheTemple wasLiberated andrededicatedThefestivalof Hanukkah wasinstituted to celebratethis eventlatkeslatkeisatypeofpotatopancakeorfritterfeltgeltreferstomoneygiven as presentsduringthe JewishfestivaloftanukkaBrisketBrisketis a cut ofmeatfromthebreastor lowerchestofbeeforveal w h a t h a p p e n s d u r ing t h e festivalon thefirstnightonecandle plusa'helper candlecalledtheShammash is lit Onthe second nighttwocandlesplustheshammasharelit Thiscontinuesuntilninecandlesare blazingonthefinalnightThisiswhy Hanukkah isoftenCalledtheestivaloflightsw h a t a re s t ra d it i o n s o th a n u k k a hlighttheMenhorahSing Songsyummyfried treatsSpinning topsGold coins s t h e r e a s t o r y a s s o c i a t edi t h t h e g ie s t i v a 1anukkatranslatestodedication inHebrew theholidaypaystributetothededicationagroupof Jewswhobelievedferventlyin theirrightto religiousfreedomsoknowasthefestivaloflights HanukkahcelebratesthemiraclethatoccurredhentheMaccabeesreclaimed theTempleTheGreekshadbanned all Jewishreligiousrituals Kingantiochustried tomake the Jews praytoGreekGodsbuttheyefusedThere was agroup of Jews calledMaccabees whooughtagainstthisandwent to war After3years ofar they won but their temple was destroyedheyrepairedthe temple andwhentheyhadfinished theyelebratedby lighting an oillampThere was onlyenoughoil toburnthecandle for oneay but bysome miricale it burned for eightdayshisis whytheHanukkahfestival lastsforeightdaysandso whyitis known as thefestival of light i n t e r e s t i n 9f a e t suring Hanukkah thereisNOShellfish allowedndJews will Not mix meat anddairyn the same meal so if a chicken is on theable you won't find butter or cheeseo wishsomeone a happy Hanukkah sayHanukkahSameach Happy Hanukkah orimply Chag Sameach HappyHoliday or ifou want to show off yourHebrewskillssayhagUrimSameach urimmeans lightestueandatifoday's Hanukkahdecorations Carry on theradition oftheholidaysearlyAmericanpopularityh that theylookJustlike christmasdecorationsthey're blueandalbiteJ o a n i e