writeallMYon SonosWhat I wouldn’t give, to hear you voice again, is areally short list, doesn’t go on and on, I wanna say, Isay, I love you, I miss you, I with you were here what Iwouldn’t give, to hear your voice again, is a really a,really short list, doesn’t go on and on, I would giveyou the world, if I could, but, you know what? Theseare my, Unsaid Wishes, Unsaid, yea, in the end, weloved each other, but it hurts to know, I can’t love youanymore, yea sure I pretend to happy, but at the endof the day, the Unsaid Wishes, Unsaid, wish I could’veheard your voice, one last time, but, yea, I pretend tobe happy, but when your, 6ft underground, and when Ihear the door open, it hurts, more then I should, it’sbeen a year, I miss you, but Dates rolling up, the dayyou left my life, these are all my unsaid wishes,unsaid,