Guys i had a weird dream last night..Basically the dream started off…I was eatting Tteok-bokki and I heard this loudknock on my door so I lifted my biggie self and opened the door and BANGCHANFROM SKZ walked in talking about how our mom is sick…WE ARENTSIBLINGS…OBVIOUSLY (im not trying to be koreaboo it was just a dream)anyways we got in a car/taxi and we crashed..I made it out alive but chan…ohchan…he was twerking in the hospital bed…..😞 ..the doctor told me he hadtwearkosis and he was stuck with it…a little later in my dream..i was just takinga beloved walk and saw a kitty cross the street and turn a corner so i followed itbut when i turned the corner a man was sitting there he looked familiar like:But then i realized it was heeseung and..he told me tohead back to the company, and that hutman bangwanted to speak to me..turns out i worked there and I wasin a group called “NaZZ”.. condisting of four membersUa, Racheal, Rieley, and me gabby..