An actual dream i had
Guys i had a weird dream last night..
Basically the dream started off…I was eatting Tteok-bokki and I heard this loud
knock on my door so I lifted my biggie self and opened the door and BANGCHAN
FROM SKZ walked in talking about how our mom is sick…WE ARENT
SIBLINGS…OBVIOUSLY (im not trying to be koreaboo it was just a dream)
anyways we got in a car/taxi and we crashed..I made it out alive but chan…oh
chan…he was twerking in the hospital bed…..😞 ..the doctor told me he had
twearkosis and he was stuck with it…a little later in my dream..i was just taking
a beloved walk and saw a kitty cross the street and turn a corner so i followed it
but when i turned the corner a man was sitting there he looked familiar like:
But then i realized it was heeseung and..he told me to
head back to the company, and that hutman bang
wanted to speak to me..turns out i worked there and I was
in a group called “NaZZ”.. condisting of four members
Ua, Racheal, Rieley, and me gabby..