Hey cubs! Sorry I haven’t posted in like a decade, I have been super busy. As some of you mayknow from my recent bingo post, I’m going to ninth grade soon. I’m having my 15th birthday inSeptember and I’m really exited. I currently live in New Orleans, Louisiana, but my parents wantedto move for my high school to a good school, and start fresh in a new place so that’s why I’m sobusy. They were thinking about Arizona, Kentucky and maybe Vermont, but we decided onNashville,Tennessee which as a swiftie I am happy about. I’m very exited to go live there and thebest part is that my long-distance boyfriend Leo lives there and we’d only be a few miles away fromeach other, which is great since I’ve missed him. I’m going to miss my bestie Charlie, but since she’smoving to Madrid anyway it would be the same. She’ll be moving back to America, and her parentsmaybe will consider moving to Tenessee :) I’ll still be able to post a bit, but since I’m flying over andpacking the last things and of course unpacking over there, It’s gonna be maybe a few weeks.Comment if any of you live in Tenessee <3