— call me kazu ordorian!—he/himpronouns— aroace anddemiromanticbday: march 1level 14!!asian, vietnamesemore interests:blue period, chainsaw man,animal crossing, splatoon, murderdrones, FPE, yotsuba!, willstetson, destroy boys, kairikibear,maretu, neru, ghost and the pals,vane lily, PINOCHIO-P, deco*27,polarcub, theeflea, wondernat,and lots more..more about me!intj-t, 4w5vionlist, learning the guitar, used to play theclarinetantisocial, has social anxietysleep deprivedhonors student..been drawing for 3(ish?) yearsMEMBER OF NOTABILITYSINCE NOVEMBER OF2022 !!!LOVE IT!project sekai, hsr, genshin, myfriends, cats, plushies, cutestuff, blue, drawing, musichate it..loud noises, small spaces,crowded areas, meanies, liars