Reality’s exit
A big White House sat nestled inside a grove overgrown with daisies and
dandelions, vines twisted around the old house's base; it looked practically
unlivable yet, a young girl called this place home. There was no furniture, and
the house’s walls where lled with holes, the only thing was a small closet
with a small white blanket, the girl spent hours in this closet, she did not play,
she did not giggle, she did not smile, but she lay this this small closet and
dream of a better home, a big White House sati nestled inside a grove a
beautiful garden around the yard, with owers and sore bushes; it looked like
the most magnicent home in the world yet, it was all. A dream. The little girl
still lay in the little closet escaping reality and thinking of her magnicent
home, she loved it, even if none of it was real.