OH11.10no power SpiderGIDEONd thescorpion fishÉazjBoogiewoobieat legoratnaiosiadeft pangel dfThese guys might need some explanation.basically they are lil guys that are about 8 to10 inches tall called gloogies and they havethe ability to copy the appearance (kinda)and abilities of anything they touch. Forexample if they touch fire they will be on fireand can shoot fire. They can becomebasically anything for example if they toucha fork they get prongs on their head. Theyhave five levels of what they can absorb, ifa gloogie is first level then it can onlyabsorb simple things, for example a rock ora leaf. Level one gloogies can’t absorbliving things. Level five gloogies can absorbstuff like chaos and order. These gloogiescan absorb things they can’t touch like eviland good. Gloogies choose what theyabsorb based on their job. For example if agloogies was a delivery guy it would absorbsomething like a bird. Gloogies do not takepowers only copy powers, not steal themand they are usually pacifists. If you readthis whole thing, congrats and draw yourown and link me!