1st emoji is how your parents feel about you.❤ ofc:>2nd emoji is what your friends think of you🙄 …umm…yeah give m back em gifts-3rd emoji is what you will be later in life⁉ HAWT? SEXY? MARRIED? EXCITING?4th emoji is how you feel about your last test score⚠ yeah probably failed it but thts ok.5th emoji is your successfulness (or unsuccessfulness) later in life.⭐ WHAT. I SWEAR IF THIS IS WHAT I THINK IT IS-6th emoji is what you sibling(s) think of you↪ well…umm…not my fault I got more money then you. Get a job loser>:(7th emoji is your impression to new people😍 I’m an introvert but I love meeting new people:)8th emoji is your emotion(s) right now⁉ just tryna figure out what tht Star means rn.Add more if you want!