When I was like 8, I was at my grandpas house with my siblings in the kiddie pool mygrandparents had out for us and a man in his mid 20’s was with my grandpa in his trailer.I was scared of the man and the man came over and asked if I needed help up onto theslide. I nodded and he lifted me up, grabbing my hips and thrusting me up. I thanked himand soon went inside to change. Since I forget the guys name, let’s call him Caleb. I askedmy grandma (before she had a stroke) who the guy was and he said he was grandpasbusiness partner named Caleb. When I went back outside, I sat on the stairs and playedwith the rocks, building a tower, when Caleb walks over and sits right next to me. Heasked what I was doing and I said I was building a tower. He asked what my name is and Ireplied simply “Jenna” and he said “Caleb”. He spotted a painted rock and asked if I madeit and I said yes and he pulled up some paintings he made. I liked them and we had aconversation. I told him to wait there and I grabbed my tablet and played Roblox. Heasked what is was playing and I said I was playing Roblox and he started to play with me.We played a tycoon game and we went off after awhile and we went on a walk in thewoods. He tried to lead me into a shed but I declined and said we should climb treesinstead. He nodded reluctantly and I tried climbing a tree and he asked if I needed helpand I said yes. My sister has a TikTok of it and he had a grip on my thighs. You can findthe video on my sisters old TikTok, I forget the accounts name but I will get it and say it’s@ soon. Anyway, when I was heading home from my grandparents house, my dad wasmad and when I asked why, my parents said that Caleb had been in jail for being a pedo. Ihave been scared since.