Are We Similar? ( c h e c k l i s t e d i t i o n )
checklist edition
Loves any Shade of Red
Dogs are Better than Cats (and any other animal in generalzzzzz)
Oldest Sibling
Lives in the U.S
8th Grade
Wears Glasses
Loves Drawing
Currently Crushing on Someone a Foot Taller Than U (or just crushing)
Jimmy Johns > Subway
Chipotle > Taco Bell
Pinterest Addict
Science Teachers SVCK
Has WAY TOO MANY Favorite Songs
Literally Never Wears Makeup or just little bit.
Pronounces Words Wrong on Purpose AND on Accident
Related to Famous People
@hutchar00ni is Your Favorite Notability User
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whats Chipotle a hispanicfoodtype resturaunt
age theydontlike scienceteachers
Mbti I am a ISTP
Search JM el Guerrero
myuncle was a hispanic rapper
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