ARE WE SIMILARchecklist editionLoves any Shade of RedDogs are Better than Cats (and any other animal in generalzzzzz)Oldest SiblingLives in the U.S8th GradeWears GlassesLoves DrawingCurrently Crushing on Someone a Foot Taller Than U (or just crushing)Jimmy John’s > SubwayChipotle > Taco BellPinterest AddictScience Teachers SVCKHas WAY TOO MANY Favorite SongsENFJLiterally Never Wears Makeup or just little bit.Pronounces Words Wrong on Purpose AND on AccidentRelated to Famous People@hutchar00ni is Your Favorite Notability UserwhatandwhoisJimmy John's foodplacewhats Chipotle a hispanicfoodtype resturauntage theydontlike scienceteachersMbti I am a ISTPSearch JM el Guerreromyuncle was a hispanic rappernoo gabbie rusmusic