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𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮
I start wrapping the presents I got for my family and coworkers. I start wrapping moms present rst
which is a book called Out of My Dreams by Sharon. M Draper. Mom is a huge fan and she has read
almost all of Sharon’s books. I tape the wrapping paper together when I hear my doorbell sound
again. I swear under my breath and yank the door open. I look at the package with a cold
expression and I grab it. Of course, Kieran Birdwhistle again. I slam the door and put the package
down on the counter. Why couldn’t this stupid package come this morning like yesterday? I put a
towel over the package so I won’t have the urge to throw it out the window. I walk back to the couch
and I continue getting everybody’s presents wrapped.
I walk into Rainy Day, which is a coee shop near my house. I run into the shop because the air is a
lot colder than two weeks ago. I shiver once I’m in the shop and I walk towards the counter. A
woman that looks like she is in high school with ginger hair and green eyes smiles and asks me
what I’d like to order. “Chocolate Tier, please.” I say politely and she grabs a plastic cup and a black
marker. “What’s your name?”
“Belle,” I say and she writes the drink and my name down onto the cup. She turns around and walks
over to the back counter and starts making the drink. I turn around and take a seat at a stool near
the counter. Like the old-timey diners back in the 60s. The stool is red. A few more people walk in
and order, and just as the ginger haired girl comes back with my drink, she tells me the price and I
take out my wallet and I pay her. I take a seat at the stool I was at previously and as I’m drinking my
coee, I get a glimpse of my neighbor walking in. I’m two stools away from the front counter and I
take a glance at him while he’s not looking. I look away and take another sip. I feel his eyes on me
as he walks around me and takes a seat beside me. “Hi,” He says, getting comfy. I smile softly at
him and take another sip. I swirl my drink around a little and I place it back on the counter. “Are you
the woman from the post oce?” He asks and turns around so he is facing me. He’s a bit closer
than I intended. And his leg brushes the side of my leg. A shiver runs down my spine. I realize I
didn't answer him and he’s still looking at me. His face still has that cold expression. “Yeah,” I say
quickly and the ginger haired woman comes back with his drink. He gets up and pays, then comes
back with his drink and sits back down. “Uh…are you excited for Christmas?” I ask hesitatingly,
hoping to ll this awkward silence. He takes a sip and looks back at me. He shrugs. “Yeah, my
family lives near me and they have a lot of plans. So it makes this a lot more exciting.” I remember
when mom told me that her and dad have a lot of plans and they are bringing me along. I want to
ask him what plans he has for the month but I snap my mouth shut. I probably would sound nosy if I
did. I take a sip and we sit in silence. I nish my coee and I throw it away. I come back to retrieve
my purse and I slide it onto my shoulder. I smile softly at him. “It was nice talking to you…see you
around.” I say and he looks at me, his face softening a little and the corners of his mouth turn
somewhat into a smile. “See ya.” He says and I turn around towards the door. As I’m pushing the
door open, I feel his eyes on me until I walk outside of the shop.