The mob“It’s ok”, she says softly, blood dripping from her lip. “Don’t cry..” she leans towards me. “Run.” Shesays. I back away. Then stare. She was impaled on a stray pole, it stabbed through her chest. I startedcrying, then ran back to her. “Momma I don’t wanna go!” I hugged her. She slightly whimpered. Ithurt, I guess. Looking back, I should’ve ran. It hurt her to see her baby crying. Especially because sheknew I was the strongest. I heard the sound of sirens. I looked and my mother sorrowfully. She smiled,and before blood loss could get to her, she whispered, “I love you, my child. Run.” I saw the life leave hereyes, and ran. I needed to find dad. Or big bro. Or sis. Whoever I could. I went home first, that’s whereLincoln, my big bro, and Jade, my sister, were.I ran inside, not bothering to shut the door. I heard Jade crying. Had they already came? I followed thecries, she was in the bathroom crying over a limp boy. “Lincoln!” I yell, rushing to Jade’s side. I coverher eyes. “We need to go, Jade.” I say, sadness was clear in my calm tone. “Is dad home yet?” I ask. “Th-They took him!” Jade cries. I look at her, slightly nervous. “They what..?” I say. Tears welled in myeyes. We had to go. They’d be back.I grab Jade’s arm, and walk her to her room. “Pack some stuff. I will too.” I say quietly. “Hurry.”