What is more painful for you?
Paper cutPaper cutPaper cut Poke your eyePoke your eyePoke your eye
Stub your toeStub your toeStub your toe Ears popEars popEars popEars popEars popEars pop Something is stuck in
your fingernails
Something is stuck in
your fingernails
Something is stuck in
your fingernails
Step on a LegoStep on a LegoStep on a LegoStep on a LegoStep on a LegoStep on a Lego
You burn your tongue
on something
You burn your tongue
on something
You burn your tongue
on something
(Feel free to add more!)(Feel free to add more!)(Feel free to add more!)
Get a shotGet a shotGet a shot Cut yourself cookingCut yourself cookingCut yourself cooking
Mark the level of your pain when you…Mark the level of your pain when you…Mark the level of your pain when you…
Hear your sibling
chomp on food
annoying knitting
squeaky noise