Paper cutPaper cutPaper cut Poke your eyePoke your eyePoke your eyeStub your toeStub your toeStub your toe Ears popEars popEars popEars popEars popEars pop Something is stuck inyour fingernailsSomething is stuck inyour fingernailsSomething is stuck inyour fingernailsStep on a LegoStep on a LegoStep on a LegoStep on a LegoStep on a LegoStep on a LegoYou burn your tongueon somethingYou burn your tongueon somethingYou burn your tongueon something(Feel free to add more!)(Feel free to add more!)(Feel free to add more!)Get a shotGet a shotGet a shot Cut yourself cookingCut yourself cookingCut yourself cookingMark the level of your pain when you…Mark the level of your pain when you…Mark the level of your pain when you… Hear your siblingchomp on foodE'Yuttannoying knittingUnstandablesqueaky noise