Boy next door. Chapter Apollo. Part 22
I look at my open window and get on the roof, I look up at the cloudy sky
that seems like it’ll rain, I then look down and see Way-Len looking at me I
follow his gaze and it seems like he is walking towards my house I quickly
get back inside my room and run down stairs. I trip on my sister shoe, but I
quickly stand up and run towards the front door, I open the door and see
Way-Len “Aren’t you a quick one, you didn’t even give me time to knock”
He said, “What do you want!?” I asked him with my hand on the door. “I
just wanted to pay you a visit” He said grinning at me, he looks so sinister. I
roll my eyes and let him in, dont get me wrong I hate Way-Len and the only
reason I’m letting him in my house is so I can tell him that Sin-U wants to
break with him. “What a lovely house you have here” he said walking in, he
looks at me and takes his shoes o he takes of his white jacket and hangs it
on the coat hanger next to him. I lead him to my room and I sit on my bed
he closes the door behind him. “I love your room it’s so spacey” Way-Len
says, I thank him and look away. he sits next to me and lays down he slides
his hand in my shirt and rubs my back, I quickly stand up “What the heck
are you doing?” I said looking at him all disgusted, “What do you think I am
doing, I trying to get you to like me” He said with a smirk on his face. “This
is the reason Sin-U wants to break up with you” I told him backing away
from him, he stands up and walks towards me “I know that, that’s why I
broke up with him before he told me” Way-Len said as he walked towards
me. He grabs my waist and pulls me to him, he slowly pulls my head
towards me “I like you… Apollo” he whispered in my ear, I push him o
and and punch his face I then kicked his leg and started to punch him when
he fell. After what felt like hours of beating I stand up and open the door for
him, he proceeds to walk out while he held his left eye with his right arm
and his right arm on his stomach, I close my door and hear my sister
scream “INTRUDER” she yelled out, I looked at the window and see
Way-Len running in the streets bare foot. I kinda feel bad for the guy but I
really don’t. My sister walks in my room “Are you ok?” She asked me
looking all worried, “yeah I’m ne I was able to handle “IT” myself” I told
her with a smile. She looks at my left hand and runs to the restroom she
then comes back holding a rst aid kit I sit on my bed and she raps my left
hand with roller bandages. “You’re such a moron” she said smiling at me,
“I’m glad you’re okay as well” I said, hugging her she hugs me back “Thats
I’m your big sister, I’m here to help you” she said. We walks out “oh I’m
ordering pizza, and I ordered your fav pineapple on pizza” she said. I nod,
yes pineapple on pizza is my favorite, if you guys don’t like Hawaiian piazza
consider yourself my enemy.