8odÉsHOMEFollow the arrowto customize yourprofile. thn THIDO.info5gW imagedtoastedLtda xoxoxo'AtaanYet oooombeaming Éa ton nNominanningueDOG SHELTERPOPPICONTINUEJOLIEWhich dog would you like?The chocolate lab, the shi tzu,the corgi, or the goldenretriever? Select and save your puppy soyou don’t lose it, then, take ithome.JOLIECONTINUE DR. WARRENTo feed your puppy, use the food onpage 4. When you run out of puppyfood, move to adult food. To give yourpuppy water, use the water. Youshould feed your puppy twice perday. Give them water once.DR. WARRENDR. WARRENWhen you want a new puppy,redownload this note. On a differentnote, play with your puppy with thetoys. Take your puppy on walks bybringing them on other notes whileyou work on them. You will soon forman unbreakable bond with your pup.When you have run out of food orwater, your puppy has passed away.You can bury them in the petcemetery. DO NOT MULTIPLY THEFOOD OR WATER because it willpoison your pet. AsAimo Aimo AimoPET CEMETERY