Properties of Matter
What are Properties?
1. Properties are ________________ of matter
Physical properties – ________________________________________________
Chemical properties – ________________________________
2. Can be quantitative or qualitative
________________ – Can be assigned a number or value, objective measurement
________________ – Can not be assigned a numerical value, subjective description
3. Can help us identify what a substance is made of
Some properties are ________________ to given substances
4. Is it Physical or Chemical?
Physical Properties:
1. Malleability - how much a substance can ________________________________________
a. Examples:
b. Quantitative or Qualitative?
2. Brittleness - whether a substance will ________________________________
a. Examples:
b. Quantitative or Qualitative?
3. Ductility - the ability of a substance to be ________________________________
a. Examples:
b. Quantitative or Qualitative?
qualitieswhat you are able to observe
what it reacts with
be hammered flat or bent
Gold aluminium
break easily
Glass 995 Qualitative
4. Viscosity - the ________________________________________________________
a. Low viscosity: ________________
b. High viscosity: ________________
c. Quantitative or Qualitative?
5. Conductivity - how well a substance ___________________________________________
a. Good conductor: _______________________________
b. Bad conductor (good insulator): ________________
c. Quantitative or Qualitative?
6. Luster - how ________________________________
a. Example:
b. Quantitative or Qualitative?
7. State or Phase of the Matter - whether a substance is ____________________________
a. Example:
b. Quantitative or Qualitative?
8. Density - the amount of ________________________________________________
a. Example: 500g of feathers and 500g of bricks have the same mass, but the feathers
will take up more space
b. Density is characteristic of the substance
c. Can be calculated using ________________
d. Quantitative or Qualitative?
Chemical Properties:
1. Reaction with Acid - Does it react when exposed to acid?
a. Baking soda reacts with acetic acid (vinegar) to ______________________________
b. Metals will react with acid to ________________________________
c. Sugar reacts with sulfuric acid ________________________________
2. Flammability - how ________________________________
a. Example:
3. Corrosivity - the ability of a substance to ________________________________
a. Example:
thickness of liquid or how slowly it pours
transfers heat and or electricity
coppergold silver
ceramic rubber
shiny an object is
pyrite Qualitive
a soild liquid or gas
H2O is a soil d when frozen
how compacted
mass in a given volume of a substance
d m v
producecarbon dioxide gas
produce hydrogen gas
to create black pillar
easily a substance burns
Gasoline burns very easily and is therefore flamable
degrade another object
salt water cause i ng iron to rust