Properties of MatterWhat are Properties?1. Properties are ________________ of matterPhysical properties – ________________________________________________Chemical properties – ________________________________2. Can be quantitative or qualitative________________ – Can be assigned a number or value, objective measurement________________ – Can not be assigned a numerical value, subjective description3. Can help us identify what a substance is made ofSome properties are ________________ to given substances4. Is it Physical or Chemical?Physical Properties:1. Malleability - how much a substance can ________________________________________a. Examples:b. Quantitative or Qualitative?2. Brittleness - whether a substance will ________________________________a. Examples:b. Quantitative or Qualitative?3. Ductility - the ability of a substance to be ________________________________a. Examples:b. Quantitative or Qualitative?qualitieswhat you are able to observewhat it reacts withQuantitativeQualitativespecificbe hammered flat or bentGold aluminiumQualitativebreak easilyGlass 995 Qualitative 4. Viscosity - the ________________________________________________________a. Low viscosity: ________________b. High viscosity: ________________c. Quantitative or Qualitative?5. Conductivity - how well a substance ___________________________________________a. Good conductor: _______________________________b. Bad conductor (good insulator): ________________c. Quantitative or Qualitative?6. Luster - how ________________________________a. Example:b. Quantitative or Qualitative?7. State or Phase of the Matter - whether a substance is ____________________________a. Example:b. Quantitative or Qualitative?8. Density - the amount of ________________________________________________a. Example: 500g of feathers and 500g of bricks have the same mass, but the featherswill take up more spaceb. Density is characteristic of the substancec. Can be calculated using ________________d. Quantitative or Qualitative?Chemical Properties:1. Reaction with Acid - Does it react when exposed to acid?a. Baking soda reacts with acetic acid (vinegar) to ______________________________b. Metals will react with acid to ________________________________c. Sugar reacts with sulfuric acid ________________________________2. Flammability - how ________________________________a. Example:3. Corrosivity - the ability of a substance to ________________________________a. Example:thickness of liquid or how slowly it pourswaterHoneyQualitativetransfers heat and or electricitycoppergold silverceramic rubberQualitativeshiny an object ispyrite Qualitivea soild liquid or gasH2O is a soil d when frozenQualitativehow compactedmass in a given volume of a substanced m vQuantitativeproducecarbon dioxide gasproduce hydrogen gasto create black pillareasily a substance burnsGasoline burns very easily and is therefore flamabledegrade another objectsalt water cause i ng iron to rust