KEEFFEAnatomy BasicsE O Iq.ggT 7UPPEREXTREMITYshouldersand arms regionsinjurieshere are some of themost commonshouldersglenohumeraljoint Ihumerusscapula claviclemusclessuperficial deltoidtrapezius L Jdeep supraspinatusinfraspinatus teres minor subscapularis rotatorCUFF 7 SITS rotator cuff sits on the shoulderarmbones humerusnerves originatefrom brachialplexusarteries branch from brachial arterymusclesanterior compartment coracobrachialis brachialisbiceps brachii musclesposterior compartment tricepsbrachiis 7 SLOWER EXTREMITYlower half of body responsible formajority of travelingmovementswalking jumping etchip and pelvisbones hipbones sacrumcoccyxhip joint balls socketmuscles anterior t posteriorL J superficial deep groupsveins external internal iliactEEI Icutaneous femoral obturator f ontfE sq.ggIf YitesStiggers FFFFFF size 7subheader 1 6221790 sizesimageplaceholdersubheader 2 01367QE size 5notes 6221790 size 3accents CB670E size 3 or 5highlight 90044 size11STICKERS L JFFEEt.EEcorner webs skeleton partsat 797 tinystudy buddies