ata roofmiThis is my first ocName:Date of birth:Species:Zodiac sign:Twinkle twinkle little starDecember 19 2022SagittariusStarKindMeanAnger issuesConfidenceCharacter traitsMy OCShe will only get madif you are mean to herfriend or familyAlwayswearsthisHer fav thing to say “SLAYALL DAY GIRLY POP”This is Twinkle twinkle little star her friends call her “Twink”. Her favorite food is sushi and and raw salmon . If you are mean to herfriend or family she will make you regret. Other than that she is very kind and caring . She says “SLAY ALL DAY GIRLY POP” to herfriends to make them feel more confident. Twink is very confident and won’t hesitate to make you laugh. Don’t take her hair pin it isvery special to her.Her custom Guccibag