Sex/Gender: Female / Female.
Age: 26 - Born 8th of February.
Appearance: Standing 5' 6" tall with red-brown skin, she has a mad feel about her. She has mysterious, bulging, brown eyes,
tapered eyebrows, a triangular face and smooth cheeks. She has short, coiled, medium-brown hair. She has narrow hips, and
toned arms.
Personal Status
Social Class: Upper class.
Education: B grade student.
Marital status: Single (Friendships only) (Heterosexual)
Job: Empress - 68% satisfied
Financial status: Rich.
Personal views
Religious view: Atheist.
World view: Idealist.
Racial views: "Discrimination based on race is wrong".
Gender bias: "Men and women are equal, but have different strengths and weaknesses".
Age preference: "Respect for all ages".
Nationalism: "This country makes me sick!".
Conflict: "I always try to avoid physical confrontations".
Physical/Health: Walks with a limp.
Quirks: Is an alcoholic, fidgets when telling lies, and daydreams frequently.
Likes: Watching movies and tv shows.
Dislikes: Waiting in line, reckless drivers, and being caught in heavy rain.
Afraid of: The color purple (Porphyrophobia)
Self-satisfaction: 54% - Increasing.
Fitness level: 39% - Stable.
Motivator: Innate goodness.
Skills: Good at creating art. Good at engineering.
Colours: Likes Lime.
Music: Likes Power Metal and Rock.
Foods: Sour food
Book Genre: Crime
Animal: Frilled Lizard
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Personality Type: ENTJ - The Commander
(Extroverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging)
Friendliness: Difficult to know
Honesty: Unfaithful
Assertiveness: Trailblazing
Confidence / Ego: Pompous
Agreeableness: Uncomplicated
Manners: Average mannered
Discipline: Resilient
Rebelliousness: Bound by the book
Emotional capacity: Amoral
Intelligence: Alert
Positivity: happy
Activeness / Lifestyle: Enthusiastic
At first glance, this character looks confident.
1. Have a voice like a bell.
2. Have an unnatural eye colour for their race.
3. Usually keep their hair covered.
4. Have a prominent limp.
5. Are honest.
6. Are a light sleeper.
7. Are easily influenced by external ideas and suggestions.
8. Laugh to themself at intervals, for no apparent reason.
9. Have a different love interest every week/month, etc.
10. Have a voice pitch that gets higher when they drink alcohol.
11. Always click their fingers.
12. See people's auras.
13. Were born in a leap year.
14. Have never been in a fight before.
15. Panic easily.
16. Think outside the box.
Power Type 1:
Super Skilled
1 - Super Multi-tasker. (Focus on and perform any number of tasks without losing control or decreasing work quality)
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Power | Power origin | Skill Level:
1st | Natural ability since birth | --
Strengthened by: Patriotism
Weakened by: ---
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