Back to talk Genshin stuff :D
After 5 million years ur notso local Genshin fan is back
With actual stuff to say
First up Kazuma's rerun is in 4.5 second phase
I'm at 50 pity with guarantee so I'm pretty
confident He's coming home Only problem I'm not even
at Inazuma yet I And I don't think I can fight
Magna Kenki idk how to spell it lol
Also I did dendro hypostasis boss fight for Nahida
only to find that I don't have enough Kalpalata lotus
again idk how to spell to ascend her t
Unrelated but like I only found out yesterday that
I was world level 5 and I was like Hutt and
am going to reduce it back to 2 to make my life
To my fellow Genshin fans what's ur main team
I have hyperbloom team with Nahida Barbara Lisa and
Yanfei as backup DPS if Lisa dies starlight