We walked up another dark tunnel and an eerie feeling fell over me. I wasdefinitely nervous, and being this close to the underworld made me realize I wasthe closest to him I’d get for a long time. Tears threatened to fall. Astraeanoticed my discomfort and slowed down to walk next to me. Hey.. you don’t haveto come in. She says. I’m taken aback a moment. I was a little glad I could dropout if I wanted but I was too far in now to back out. Besides, I had a feeling Iwould be needed. I looked at her. No! Thank you but I’m fine! I tell her softly.Devin walks over to me. He put a comforting hand on my shoulder andwhispered, I got your back. It was nice and once again I was thankful for thedark to hide my burning cheeks. I heard Tyler whisper to Astraea something andshe gave him a shake of her head. Hades stops. Girl… you can’t detach yourselffrom the flame. I don’t know why you are here to do so. Hades tells her. Thenwhy are we here? Tyler asks. Your one of the gods right? THEY CAST ME OUT!Hades yells and I take a step back. Awkward silence. Hades regains hiscomposure. You have to be the flame. Combine yourself with it. He says. I lookedat Astraea and she looked at me. Nika wore a surprised expression but shequickly turned grim. He’s right, its the only way. Nika says, barely a whisper. Colelooks frightened and furious at the same time. No! That’s insane! He says.I..agree. Devin says. I turn to him, shocked. What? I ask him. That’s my onlysister! What if this all goes to the flames… literally! Devin says with a quiver inhis voice. Astraea had a look in her eyes that told me she understand what hadto be done. Its the only way! Tyler tells Cole. You don’t tell me that! Cole sayswith venom in his voice. I can’t lose you!! Cole says to Astraea. Nika looks readyto blow her top. SHUT UP!!!!! She yells and we all fall quiet. Devin, Laurasacrifices have to be made for the better good! Cole, Officer Cop Man just shutup!!!! Cole there are more fish in the sea man! …. Sorry Astraea BUT THATS NOTMY POINT!!! Fighting doesn’t get anyone anywhere! Trust me… I know. She saidsoftly and I sensed deep pain in her eyes. I didn’t want Astraea to have to dosomething so dangerous even though I only knew her for so long. I had a tug inthe back of my head. I tried to focus on what was going on but the tuggingwas great. I had the urge to grab my journal which had shrunken in sizemysteriously. It had a silver glow coming from inside it. I opened to the pagethat was glowing and silver writing was written in burning ink. I was soengrossed in the book that I didn’t realize they were all staring at me. Astraea Asked me, so what do I do? I look at the journal and realize what the drivermeant. Hold your hands to it! I read off from the journal. Make them do theglowing thing! I tell her and she nods. I watch as her hands glow brighter andbrisghter. She looks at Cole with one last look and tears were rolling down herglowing face. Oh please, don’t let her die because of me. I pray silently. I watchas the flame glows brighter and Astraea gasps.