Rainy Days (A Short Story for Randomness)
The girl is sitting in her seat, twirling her pen lightly in her ngers as
the bell rings. Rain drips down the classroom windows, drip-dropping
as her classmates run out of school, excitedly running off. School is
Once the classroom is empty, she stands up. She slowly walks towards
the wide classroom window, which is far to the left of her seat, and
peers through the window. Her classmates walk out the school gates,
happy and excited for new things to do during the summer.
The girl likes rainy days. Some might nd it gloomy and sad, but she
enjoys it. The rain is gentle, and peaceful. And peaceful is something
she loves to savor. The gentle wind blows on the window. Rain drops
are slowly fading on the window. As they fade, she opens the window
a bit open, and lets the wind blow in.
She nally smiles, as the winds gently ow, making her hair blow
behind her head. Sunlight shines on her, making her beautiful black
hair shimmer and her pale blue eyes shine with glow.
She likes rainy days, but she loves sunny days more.
She laughs, and goes off to run after her friends.
“Hey, Sumida! Over here!” One friend of her shouts, swinging her
hand up in the air, her other friend giggling.
“Coming, Ayumi-san!” Sumida, the girl smiles brightly and runs over
to her friends.