Say hi to Scorpio also this took a long time
Meet my original wings of re character:Scorpio
Tribe:silkwing/sandwing hybrid
Ability:he can breathe re and spin silk and poison enemies with his tail barb he has the power of a
animus dragon the rst among the silkwings
Introduction:Scorpio is a hybrid as such he hangs out at pantala with his father and at possibility
with his mother he loves running and ying around and acts dumb when really he’s smart he
doesn’t like following orders and won’t ever let anyone use his magic as a tool he’s friends with
most people but doesn’t trust them enough to tell them he’s a animus dragon he’s friends with
sparkie and erie when he got the news that spark was having dragon nets he ended up coming late
because he was at pantala but when he arrived he pointed out spark was a mix of rainwing seawing
And sparkie entrusted him with spark and ever since then he defended spark whenever others
called him a freak saying are they calling him a freak(the him being Scorpio)and giving him a tip on
all the good things of being a mixed breed Scorpio runs the mixed breed class at jade mountain
academy explaining all the good things mixed breeds do he still hasn’t told anybody he’s a animus
he also doesn’t care on how much he uses his animus magic but when he met sparkie he was the
rst to be told that Scorpio has animus magic and he might need to tell everyone if he wants to
protect his friends and family.
Ps: his family doesn’t know he has animus magic
All the things he enchanted:a neck less=to protect his soul
A earring=to make him immune to re venom poison ice breath and drowning
A di earring=to make a little twinge when ever spark was getting bullied
A bracelet=to always keep him warm and safe
A ower band that was given to him by his mom=to always x itself when broken and to protect
himself from other animus magic and to send a mental twinge whenever someone either touches
his animus touched stu or somebody used animus magic and to always teleport back to him if it
ever got separated from him but if he gives to somebody they gain it’s eects until he says “come