EeadtnhEeehire and Em tyEmotions are the Feellings of the mind towardsthe things around usthere ave 2 types1๐ ญ Ee Emotioswnnne are like glad loving proudhappy Positive Emotions have good effect on our health2๐ ญงทิ่พี่ L Emotioswnnne are like angry sorry sadNegative Emotions have bad effect on our health
ฟื๋อื๋อ่อณึ่สื๋ซื๋ศื๋น Dealing with EmotionsI In time of trouble ash parents Fveinds to help2 Use free time constructively or do things you enjoy3 Practise ที่หืiํา ฑื๊ to control emotions and calm the mind4 Oo not use in solving problems5 Relax by doing exercise singing drawing6 Learn how to listen to ideas of others and beเ iuทางที่ดัoptimistic