I didn’t know how I made it to my condo without collapsing. That was a miracle. Iliterally crashed on my bed and made my parents have a heart attack. theyasked me a million question and i told them I was really tired and that Amywould tell them what happened. After a further bit of pestering they finally letme be. It took all the rest of my energy to set an alarm on my phone so i coulddo my homework and passed out on my bed. It was a troubled sleep but I wastoo tired to really care. My dreams didn’t help. They were always about me notbeing able to save Ryan. First it was in a cave in then I was thrust into onewhere these weird shadow creatures had taken him away from me then cameafter me. Nightmare after nightmare made sleeping impossible. But exhaustionalways wins. Everytime I tried to wake up it would take everything I had to getto that point then I would get sucked into the newest nightmare. I dont knowhow long I took to win at last but I woke up in a cold sweat and a wet face.Episodes left me like this for a day or so. I gulped in air and looked at my clock.2:54. I over slept my alarm. DANG IT! I had one tiny moment of frustration.Why did this have to happen? Why couldnt I just be normal? Why was I chosen?Why did Ryan disappear? Why was both Jake and Jason being nice to me out ofthe blue? Why were my parents acting normal? Why can Heather enter mythoughts? Why? Why? WHY? I sobbed because I had nothing better to do.Nothing. I could’ve done the homework I had but I didnt. I sat there and cried.Like a child. I cried for as long as I needed. Which was a long time. When I
finally couldnt anymore I grabbed out my backpack. I wouldnt be able to fallasleep. I didnt want to start the cycle over again. So, I did my math homework.For once I was glad for it. It provided a distraction, a task that required mythinking. I did it for a while and then realized I had actually understood thelesson. Things started clicking together. I did my homework twice as fast. Imoved on to my biology homework next and knocked that out. I moved on to mylast bit of homework. History. Mr Patrick doesn’t normally give homework but hedid that night. It wasn’t hard though. I sighed and enjoyed recalling all i knewon the topic. It was fun to do. I looked at the clock. 4:27. Ok, not bad. I think. Ilay back and look up at the ceiling. I should put something there. I think buthave no idea what to put there. Ill figure it out later. I didnt have to get up till6 but didn’t want to fall back to sleep. Magic? I asked myself. I mean, it seemedlike a good option. But I felt different about it. Gone was the wonder and being Carefree about it. Now i had new concerns. Like, why was I always being drawntowards it? Why was my character able to do things in MY world? I had acertain wariness to it now. But, I needed to know more. I sighed and broughtout my binder. Where to this time? I ask myself. What about I show you myvillage? Heather’s voice blasts into my head. I flinch. Um, sure. I say. Ok. Shesays. I flip to the page I had made Heather’s backstory on. I had made it asbrief and descriptive as possible. Yet it was still like 3 pages long. There wasone part where I went into detail on what her village looked like. I wish to goto Misdon. I think and feel myself slip into the inbetween void. Then only to feelmyself grow inches taller and feel exhaustion leave me. I look around. Shroudedin the moon’s light, made with gilded wooded trees and plants, sat Heather’svillage. She came from a village of shifters, a dying race. The village was evenmore beautiful than I could’ve ever imagined. Heather sat on a tree branchoverlooking it all. I looked around and my heightened eyes saw every tiny facetof the stunning place. I could’ve gotten used to this place. It was so quiet andcalm, secret and cozy. I sat there, breathing in the cool night air that smelledof oak trees and wildflowers. I probably would’ve stayed there longer than Ishould’ve if not for Heathers reminding me that I needed to get back. I didntwant to though. It took a lot of convincing on her part. I finally relented andsaid the magic words and mournfully returned to reality. Exhaustion overtookme. I heard my parents get up. Ugh. Why did all good things have to come toan end? It was back to worrying and asking the impossible questions.