Gianna Appleby
Gianna Appleby.
Sex/Gender: Female / Female.
Age: 17 - Born 15th of April.
Appearance: Standing 5' 3" tall, this white skinned woman has a charming
feel about her. A particularly notable feature is her Greek nose. Her straight
blonde hair is very long and currently has two streaks dyed electric blue.
She has alert, small, blue eyes, puffy lips, small ears and bony cheeks. She
has broad hips, no chest muscle tone and a defined waist, slanted
shoulders, long legs, and slender hands. She often wears high-end clothes
that are mostly dark-coloured or pink and slightly too small. She is holding a
violin case.
Personal Status
Social Class: Lower class.
Education: Goes to university.
Marital status: dating - (Homosexual)
Job: musician - 98% satisfied
Financial status: high class.
Personal views
Religious view: Apatheist.
World view: Optimist.
Racial views: "I don’t look at race, I look at if they act like an idiot or not".
Gender bias: "Men are like children sometimes".
Age preference: "I respect actions, not ages".
Nationalism: "I don't like this country, but so many others are much worse".
Conflict: "When talking doesn't work, sometimes we're forced to fight".
Physical/Health: Has an overly-sensitive sense of smell.
Quirks: Coughs when nervous.
Likes: Visiting museums.
Dislikes: People who don’t cover their mouths while yawning.
Afraid of: Insects, and Failure (Atychiphobia).
Self-satisfaction: 78% - Decreasing.
Fitness level: 99% - Decreasing.
Motivator: Tradition.
Skills: An expert at acting. Knows how to hot-wire a car.
Colours: Likes Yellow and Aquamarine.
Music: Likes Drum and Bass.
Foods: Home-made food
Book Genre: Mythology
Animal: Chaffinch
Personality Type: ISFP - The Composer
(Introverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving)
Friendliness: Open
Honesty: Straightforward
Assertiveness: Unsociable
Confidence / Ego: Independent
Agreeableness: Collaborative
Manners: Average mannered
Discipline: Observant
Rebelliousness: Traditional
Emotional capacity: Compassionate
Intelligence: Focused
Positivity: Content
Activeness / Lifestyle: Fast-talking
At first glance, this character looks like they are very stubborn.
1. Have a goofy voice.
2. Have multiple body piercings.
3. Constantly have something in their mouth (toothpick, lollypop, cigarette, etc).
4. Can only see out of one eye.
5. Are authentic.
6. Fidget a lot.
7. Are gullible.
8. Usually mix up sayings (e.g. 'never count your chickens until the fat lady sings').
9. Constantly give the vaguest possible answer to questions.
10. Drink a lot of coffee.
11. Have exquisite table manners.
12. Can't swim.
13. Were born in a leap year.
14. Are quick to fight for those they care about.
15. Are fearless.
16. Think outside the box.
Power Type 1:
Super Skilled
1 - Polyglot. (Speak many languages fluently )
Power Type 2:
1 - Summoner. (Use runes to summon monsters at will)
Power Type 3:
Energy control
1 - Electromagnetic control. (Increase, decrease, alter and remove the properties of the magnetic fields surrounding beings and
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Power | Power origin | Skill Level:
1st | Ancient techniques | --
2nd | Mixed species | Dependent on mood
3rd | Natural power since birth | Incompetent
Strengthened by: ---
Weakened by: Self-doubt
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Job Specifications
Position: Violinist
Level: N/A
Type: Full-Time Work
Hours Per Week: 24
Hourly Rate: $29.6 / £20.70
Per Annum Approx: $36,941 / £25,834
Employee Benefits
Unpaid Holiday: 6 days
Paid Holiday: 20 days
Healthcare: Yes
Sick Leave: unlimited days
Employer Morality: N/A
Worker Satisfaction: 98%
Employer Reputation: Non-existent