LONDON, NEW YORK, MELBOURNE,MUNICH, AND DELHIDK LONDONPROJECT ART EDITORAmy OrsborneSENIOR EDITORSam AtkinsonUS SENIOR EDITORRebecca WarrenUS EDITORKate JohnsenMANAGING ART EDITORKaren SelfMANAGING EDITOREsther RipleyPUBLISHERLaura BullerART DIRECTORPhil OrmerodASSOCIATE PUBLISHING DIRECTORLiz WheelerPUBLISHING DIRECTORJonathan MetcalfILLUSTRATIONSJames GrahamPRODUCER, PRE-PRODUCTIONRachel NgSENIOR PRODUCERGemma Sharpeoriginal styling bySTUDIO 8 DESIGNDK DELHISENIOR ART EDITORAnjana NairART EDITORNidhi MehraASSISTANT ART EDITORSNiyati Gosain, Vidit Vashisht,Namita, Gazal RoongtaMANAGING ART EDITORArunesh TalapatraDESIGN CONSULTANTShefali UpadhyaySENIOR EDITORMonica SaigalASSISTANT EDITORArchana RamachandranMANAGING EDITORPakshalika JayaprakashPRODUCTION MANAGERPankaj SharmaDTP MANAGER/CTSBalwant SinghDTP DESIGNERSArvind Kumar, Rajesh Singh Adhikari,Syed Md Farhan, Dheeraj Arora,Bimlesh TiwaryPICTURE RESEARCHERSurya Sankash Sarangiproduced for DK byTALL TREE LTDMANAGING EDITORRob ColsonART DIRECTIONBen RuoccoSENIOR EDITORSRichard Gilbert, Camilla Hallinan,Scarlett O’Hara, Sarah TomleyFirst American Edition, 2013Published in the United States byDK Publishing375 Hudson StreetNew York, New York 1001413 14 15 16 17 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1001 - 187978 - Mar/2013Copyright © 2013Dorling Kindersley LimitedAll rights reserved.Without limiting the rights under copyright reservedabove, no part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, ortransmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic,mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise),without the prior written permission of both thecopyright owner and the above publisher of this book.Published in Great Britain byDorling Kindersley Limited.A catalog record for this book is availablefrom the Library of Congress.ISBN: 978-1-4654-0214-1DK books are available at special discounts whenpurchased in bulk for sales promotions, premiums,fund-raising, or educational use. For details, contact:DK Publishing Special Markets, 375 Hudson Street,New York, New York 10014 or SpecialSales@dk.comPrinted and bound inHong Kong by Hung HingDiscover more PAUL KELLY, CONSULTANT EDITORPaul Kelly is a Pro-Director and Professor of Political Theoryat the London School of Economics and Political Science.He is the author, editor, and co-editor of 11 books. His maininterests are British political thought and contemporarypolitical philosophy.ROD DACOMBEDr. Rod Dacombe is Lecturer in Politics in the Departmentof Political Economy at King’s College, University of London.His research focuses primarily on democratic theory andpractice, and on the relationship between the voluntarysector and the state.JOHN FARNDONJohn Farndon is the author of many books on the historyof science and ideas and on contemporary issues. He alsowrites widely on science and environmental issues andhas been shortlisted four times for the young ScienceBook prize.A.S. HODSONA.S. Hodson is a writer and former contributing editorof JOHNSØNJesper Stenberg Johnsøn is a political scientist advising ongovernance and anti-corruption reforms in developingcountries. He works at the Chr. Michelsen Institute’s U4Anti-Corruption Resource Centre in Bergen, Norway.NIALL KISHTAINYNiall Kishtainy teaches at the London School of Economics,and specializes in economic history and development. Hehas worked for the World Bank and the United NationsEconomic Commission for Africa.JAMES MEADWAYJames Meadway is Senior Economist at the New EconomicsFoundation, an independent British think tank. He hasworked as a policy advisor to the UK Treasury, coveringregional development, science, and innovation policy.ANCA PUSCADr. Anca Pusca is Senior Lecturer in International Studiesat Goldsmiths College, University of London. She isthe author of Revolution, Democratic Transition andDisillusionment: The Case of Romania, and WalterBenjamin: Aesthetics of Change.MARCUS WEEKSMarcus Weeks studied philosophy and worked asa teacher before embarking on a career as an author.He has contributed to many books on the arts andpopular sciences.CONTRIBUTORS