IhavealothereIhaveacrush talkitiveatschool veryinteractivemostofthetime includingpeopleonIwillstandupformyselforfriends sometimesumor like I'llshareanytime likemakingfriends0 dependsaskallthetime stranger strangerdangersometimesdefinetlythehairpeoplethatdon'tknowmesometimeslikemeandthinktheyU feelconcerned onhow u look(hair is bad,crooked teeth,etc)Don’t speakmost of the timeDon’t like sharingthoughts becauseyou might bewrongU hesitate beforetrying somethingnewFeel invisiblearound othersKnow a lot aboutpeople who don’tknow unervous anduncomfortablein the companyof other peopleWhen u likesomeone u juststare at them orsmile whenthey see uU feel you're tooboring,withdrawn,wimpy, or weirdU stutter whentalking tosomeone newDon’t have apartner whenasked to get oneFreespaceHave a secretnotebook or diaryU hate gettingstared atAfraid to talk toadult (teacher,stranger, etc)Don’t talk backHateinteracting withpeopleU wanna besomeone else(always orsometimes)When you knowthe answer tosomething, youstay quietDon’t askquestions whenur confusedOnly agreeto answersU have nofriends :( Quiet duringgroup workAvoid anyonewho wants tobe ur friendU feel awkwardaroundunfamiliarpeople, unsure ofwhat to say, orworried aboutwhat othersmight think of u