Saying all of my insecuritiesDeepestfearsNot prettyfatCan't handle people being mad at me notrllyaninsecuritywhateverpeople could be talking about meclingsngAnnoytoo loudTalk too muchEmotionalBiggest feel like my friends may not like me anymoreEat too much4 I have a HUGEfear of the worldending Nomoretrees no oxygenNo oxygen DeathDeath FEAR I have a fearthaatany moment I coulddie I sometimes fear that something iswrong withme Ihad small pains allovermy bodyThe Doctor saysthattheyare signsthatI'm gettingmyperiodbut ithasbeenhappening formonthsnowI'm 13andstilldon'thavemyperiodAllofmyfriendsdoexceptme I shouldbehappy behaving yourperiodsucksbutidkhowtofeelScared of sicknessI'mscared ofthrowingupidkwhyScared I could be mentalyphysicallydisabledMymomhas a mentalorphysicaldisability I'mnotsayisnotlikeHuatandseriousbutitsnotgoodshegot itfrom mypapainndadandoutofmy2othersistersI'mafraid itwillbe me